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After getting the second M.E report we give out the profile.

"We are dealing with a pedophile, we believe our unsub is In-between the age of 20 to 30." Hotch started off.

"He doesn't know his age or gender preference yet, but he is targeting black children. We believe out unsub might be black himself" Rossi said.

"This usub gets sexual aroused by beating up the children. He strangles them and he's quickly learing how to gain more control"
Derek said.

"He keeps his victims for 4 days before kiling them. In this time period he rapes them." Emily went on.

"Our unsub is a sadist and a narcissist. He probably grew up in an abusive house hold. Our technical analyst is looking into reporst of child molestation in the last 20 years."  I explained.

"Children who grow up in abuse house holds often get teached their parents ways. Either they grow up completely opposite or continue the cycle. Our unsub probably got molested by his father and might have been forced to rape someone his age. This is what started his Fantsy"
Spencer explained.

"He's a loner but he opens up around children. At first it may seen harmless, but then you may notice he hugs the kids a bit to much." Rossi spoke again.

" there is still a little girl missing, so be on the look out. Thank you"
Hotch says and rounds up the profile.

We all get back to work but we weren't sure on what to do.
So derek called penelope.

"Baby girl your on speaker so behave" he says in the phone.

"Or what you'll spank me?" She says in a dirty voice.
"Hi Penelope " I say with a laugh.

"O hi sugar, what can I do for you?"
She asked.

"I know you looked into children service's cases of abuse and molestation but can you add cases where there was a suspicious but child services never confirmed it?" I ask her.

Child services didn't help me out much with my drunken father and verbally abusive mother before they send to me conversion therapy.
But they still need to make a report.

"You've got a big list now about 164 reports "
I sigh that number is way to high
"Can you link a name to rape reports?"
I ask her.
"I've got 14 names, still way to high" Penelope said in a disappointed voice.

"Eeem. In the case reports, the name of the child. Do one of those names come up as a rapist In the police reports " I ask her. I really want to find thyra alive.

"No im sorry pumpkin. But I do feel a bit relieved" I look disappointed. I may have a high iq but I cant seem the find a name.

"That's okay, I'll call back when I find something. Can you send me those 14 names anyway?"
"Done. Garcia out" the phone call ended.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"It's only the first day. We will get him" Emily says to me.
I touch her and feel her soft skin.

"No case was solved in a day" Rossi said as another attempt to comfort me.

I look at jj who clearly is upset.
"Is she okay?" I ask Rossi quietly.

"She's always like this when the case involves children" he answered.

I decided to walk over to her I sat down next to her.
"Cases like this are hard right? Especially now that you have a son" I look sympathetic at her.

"I just don't get how someone can Hurt a child, they are so innocent and still see the good in the world"  jj said to me.

"Can I tell you about an undercover case I had?" She nodds at me.
I turn more to her.

" there was family annihilator, so I had to become part of a fake family.
A female colleague of mine played the mother, I was her husband and we had a fake kid. He was her own, a 7 year old boy."
Jj laughs "you played the husband"

"Yea, I felt more comfortable with it honestly. I have really bad body and gender dysmorphia but anyway that was not my point"

"I lived a 2 months In that fake family, and I helped home school that kid. I had to keep reminding myself that he was not my own. And that i was undercover. Eventually the unsub broke in our house. Both my college and I attacked him, he managed to knock us out and kidnapped her kid. The kid I've grown to care for. To this day I'm like family to him. He cals me uncaunt as replacement for uncle and aunt"
Jj laughs
"So you got him back"

"We did. I almost gave my life for that kid. I loved him so deeply and my heart was so open. I would have done anything."

Jj smiles at me.
"So you know what it feels like?"
I nodd at her.

"It's why I'm not sure if I'm ment to be a parent. I loved him so deelpy and it was so terrifying"
I look at jj, her tears dried up.
"How did you get him back?"
She asked.
"We found where he held him. My partner did everything to save him but she got captured too. I played in to his narcissism, after he beat me up pretty good. But it wasn't enough so i had to shoot him. My partner escaped and got her son out to. She called for an ambulance, and I had 5 broken ribs and my long ruptured. But he survived that's all I cared for. And I hope with a little less broken bones that this kid is going to survive too"
Jj smiles at me.

"Thank you y/n" she gave me a hug.
It felt good to be in her arms, honestly I needed a hug aswell.
"Your a great person, since you've been on the team you've been checking up on everyone. Making sure they are feeling alright." Jj said, it felt great to hear her be appreciative.
"I know what it's like to feel down so I just want everyone to know they can confide in me"
Jj rapped her arm around me.
"Let's go eat some dinner and we will start fresh tomorrow"

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