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Tw kidnapping

Before we arrived hotch got a call.
"It's derek can you pick it up"
So I do so.
"Hey Derek, hotch is driving so your on speaker" I say to him.
"Hotch you need to get over here, the press is crazy. Jj tried to handle it but they are litterly walking over the passengers" Morgan, prentiss and jj went to the latest crime scene.

"We are on our way"
I ended the phone call and hotch turned the car around.
At the same time I got a call from rossi on hotch's phone.

"Hotchs phone he can not answer right now since he's behind the wheel" I say in robot voice from a standard voicemail.
"Your on speaker, so what's up" I ask him.
"It's the same as his old victims, one a different kind of gun"
"Well new guns got on the market since his last killings" I added.
"He's evolving he raped the latest survivor" hotch told said to the phone.

"I'll get back the the station and help reid out." Rossi ended to call and we arrived at the crime scene.

Press was all over not wanting to back up, and basically harrsing jj with alot of questions.

Hotch jumped in and talk to the press.
I noticed a little kid was stuck in the crowd.
"Everybody out the fuckinf way, you are suffocating a kid" I pushed everyone around and pick up the kid to the side.
"Hey buddy breath okay" he was panicking and looked around for his parents or guardians.
"With who were you here?"
He sees someone he recognised and Ran off.
I got up and noticed a few cameras where on me.
"Agent agent!! Over here!! Do you have anything to day about the pshychology killer?"
I walk over to them angry.

"All you want to talk about is the killer! But a woman died, and another one traumatised. And all you are doing here is harrasing us ! You are obstructing the crime scene and not letting us do our jobs. And that kid, almost suffocated. And do I have the mention all the people you walked over! Pls have some respect! And I'm not just 'agent'. I'm Doctor y/n y/l/n. And respectfully fuck off or you are getting arrested" I put my hand on my gun, I wasn't going to do anything I just wanted that they backed off.

And they did.
I look over to the kid and he was oke. His guardian or just the adult watching him, smiled and mouthed 'thank you'.
Hotch walked over to me.
"Nicely handled"
I smile at hotch.
We talked with jj, Morgan and emily about the crime scene before driving to the precinct and setting up a new profile.

We delivered it and asked penelope to update us on missing persons.

It was late, right before we left an agent walked in. "We got a tape"

"Is there someone who can review it" hotch asked the agent.
He shakes his head.
"I'll go over it" Spencer volunteerd.
"Spence are you sure, its pretty heavy. Emina got raped, what if that's on the tape. You don't want to watch that and I'm sure Emina doesn't either." I say to him. I really didn't want it to effect him. He got kidnapped and seeing the video might trigger the urge to use.

"I'll be fine. I'll put the bad parts up to speed so I don't see any actions but still would notice if he reviews his face" Spencer said to me with a kind smile.
"Fine you can review it but you have to stay here" hotch says to him.

He nodds and everyone leaves.
"Why don't we go to an AA meeting in the morning? Or hold our own. Just the 2 of us" I ask him. It's an heavy case ingeneral but seeing someone being held hostages as a person who was a hostage once. It can be hard on him.
"Thanks for looking out for me y/n"
"Text me of there is anything" I give him a quick hug and get to the car.

We drive off to the hotel and jj gives us our room keys. I got to my room and change in my pj's. I crawl in my bed a Check my phone. Apparently I got a text from my mom a few hours ago. It was all gibrish.

Y/n: is everything okay?

I texted back. I stayed on my phone for another hour but no response.
So I decided to call her. But i got voicemail.

"Hey Suzanne it's me y/n. Call me back or text me. So I know everything is okay" I ended the voicemail.

I don't really call my mom, mom after our history.

I texted Spencer, to decide a time in the early morning to hold our aa meeting. Since there weren't any meetings early enough, so the team wouldn't have to know.

I close my phone and decided to go to sleep.

Early in the morning I got a knock on my door, that woke me up. It was only 4 am. Spencer isn't supposed to be here for another hour and a half.
I get up and open to door to see its room service.

" Ow I'm sorry I didn't order anything " I say sleepy. My eyes where a little blurry.
"Are you sure? I got a whole breakfast ordered to this room" he answered.
"I'm sure. Maybe they just gave the wrong room number"
I slowly close the door, but it got blocked. I immediately got a hit against my head and ny body falll to the ground.
I couldn't keep my eyes open.

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