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We finnaly arrived at in the city. We all Got into different suv's.
"Y/n I put you into the group chat. We keep eachother updated of our findings. And that way you have everyone phone number " hotch said to me before we got in separate cars.

I went with Morgan and prentiss.
To the theatre.
"I love theatre" I say in the car.
"Why doesn't that surprise me" emily said
"In high-school I was an actually theatre kid, I played in all the school plays."  I went on.
"Let me guess you weren't so popular?" Morgan asked
"Not really but I also didn't get bullied if that's what your implying"
Nobody bullied me bc of I did drugs and well I kinda acted out bc of them.
Also I was in the forster system. The bullies at my usually pick on the nerds not the kids who already have it difficult. atleast in my school.

"Not a sport's type?" Emily asked.
"I actually liked soccer. I just don't get why Americans call it soccer. We call it football"
Both of them laughed.
"You look like the basketball type Morgan, am I right?" I ask him.
"Ha how did you guess. Ow and you don't have to call me by my last name. Derek is just fine" he said kindly.

"I also think that emily, you were the type of person people were scared of in high-school. Maybe a punk? Or gothic kid?"
Emily turned to look at me.
"How?!" I laughed at her.
"So I'm right?!" I said exited

We arrived at the theatre a little memorial was set up.

We followed someone inside to building.
"Most of the victims died of smoke inhalation, thank god. A few of them were trampled." The man stops in the middle of the hall.
"My cousin Gary and his wife Linda"
He said looking down.
"If you need some time" emily  said kindly but the man doesn't respond.

She's even more perfect she cares for people. Checks up on them. Sometimes tells me she does this bc she needed someone the check up on her once and didn't.
I make a mental note to check in with her if I ever see her upset.

"We're talking gasoline and matches. This was the point of origin" the man points to an open door. Leaning to a parking lot. Looks like an emergency exit or something.

"The second one was in the lobby?" Emily asked.
"This one burned the longest. Slower too" the guy answered. Derek and I look around the walls while the man talks to emily in a montone voice.
"Less oxygen, less fuel. He used a lot more gas in the lobby. Place went up like a haystack."

"What about the sprinkles?" I asked him.
"Bastard turned off the main water line." The man just walks away.
"That's rude" I say as he turns the corner.
"He's upset, leave it be" emily said to me.

"You know, the unsub could have set this fire first. Lobby burned harder and faster, forcing the victims out this way. Where he'd already blocked the exit" Morgan said facing us.
"And where the smoke from the slower-burning fire had already built up." Emily said.
We walked back.
"Whoever did do this knew that even if the fire department got here in time to stop the fires...they still wouldn't have been able to safe them"
I say to Morgan and prentiss.

Derek spotted a hand on the wall.
He follows it without touching the wall.
The hand glided down.

For someone reason hotch wanted to attend a funeral, in a church. The unsub may attend.
Emily and rossi walk around looking for too much emotion too little.
Someone watching others reactions.

Derek and I were walking around aswell.

Penelope was talking in our ear saying known offenders who are gathered there.

We kept an eye on those to see if they stick out.
We hear a firetruck alarm going off.
Everyone turned around look at the door. Frightened of another incident.

We walked out when hotch told us the unsub wasn't at the service.

We all drive to the new fire.

I was in the car with Morgan and rossi. While prentiss and hotch were in the car with a local doctor who knows almost everyone in town.

"Captain? Can I get a word?" I ask the the captain of the fire station who's working on the fire.
Morgan and rossi stand next to me.
"It started in the kitchen. Looks like he came around the back and tossed a cocktail through the window" the captain says to us.

"Different delivery system. That's a big deviance from his m.o." Rossi said.
"But perfect for this location. Idk tho, a space this small. The shouldn't have been able to pour the gasoline without being noticed."
Morgan pointed out.
"Nobody see a thing?" He asked the fire captain.
He shakes his head.
"Witnesses say they heard an explosion"

"Well, I guarantee he stuck around to watch." I say to them.

We walk closer to into the burned down building.
"Only 5 victims this time. Why lower the body count?" Rossi asked.
"Eem rossi, y/l/n" Derek pointed to something
It's a mental chain with a lock on it.
"There's something els that's different." Derek said

"Front to back?" Rossi asked to captain pointing to the chain.

The captain nodss sadly
"He really wanted to make sure nobody could get out this time" I said disturbed.
"But why bother? No one made it out of the other ones." Rossi spoke to us.

"Maybe he knew the fire department would show up sooner." Derek said
"Yeah, we're faster now. Practice makes perfect. "
The captain said.
"Perfect doesn't exist. Practice makes progress" I say to him.

"What the hell difference does it make? And what good are you guys doing us? You see chains, figure he didn't want anymore to get out. I could have told you that" the man went on.

Why the hell is he so rude. And I swear to god if emily says he's just upset.
"We're not criticising anyone. Our job is to look at the same things you do but to try see them from a different perspective"  Rossi responded.
"Sure" the man just shrugged.

"Look, all due respect, captain, but you look at the claim and say the killer wanted to make sure nobody got out, right?" Derek said.
The man nodds.
"We look at the chain and we see a little more. That chain is different than the first two fires. Now, either we're looking at an entirely new arsonist or this unsub wanted to make absolutely certain nobody got out. Now, if this is true, that means something changed. Maybe his emotions changed. Maybe his agenda. But something. See this chain tells us this is the fire that matters. This fore is gonna help us catch this guy." A silence fell.

We exament the crime scene further and then walked over to hotch an inform him what we found.
Morgan went to call garcia so we could find out everything shout those 5 victims. We needed to know why this bar was more important then being at the funeral.

We got to the local pd and deliver our profile. We are dealing with a revenge arsonist.

It was getting late so everyone went to the hotel.

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