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*next day *

Both Spencer and I memorised our background now it was time to make stories.

We sit in his apartment.
"So you give online math classes and I'm a therapist" we both laugh a little.

"How did we meet?" He asked.
"I was a councler on the university?" I question.
"That could work. I was concerned about a student so I informed you?" He asked.

"Mhh yes. And we hit it off as friends first. First date? " I ask. Its important we know. In a neighbourhood full of couples they are going to ask.

"Maybe just a cute park date?"
We both nodd.
"We've been together for 3 years is also important." I said.
"So we need to act like it" there fell a silence.

"So we are probably going to need to kiss" I say looking down.
"Right. So....it needs to be realistic. Not a first time"
"Yea exactly "

We both look at eachother. We move In close and our lips touch for a brief moment.
Before I place my hands and really pull him in. His lips are soft and he's so gentle. We pull away again.

"So that's that" I say awkwardly. His lips left a feeling on mine.
It was silent again.
Until penelope called again.

She set up fake social media.
Spencer sat down again.
"So eem your caracter is cis. So I use she/ her but they/them private?"
I played cis caracters before but it always felt weird.

"Eem no we can't risk you slipping. So your going to have to use she/her even in private"
It going to be uncomfortable but I'm just going to need to internalise it.

"Did you watch the movie I sent and read to book along with taking the quiz?" I ask him.

He nodss. "I passed"
"Just 1 question. What do I do with my gun?" he asked
"In this case you don't take it with you. Not in public. You cam keep it in the housetho. But for safety you can wear a strap on under your clothes if you want to keep it close. I have a pocket knife in my boot. So..."

The next day arrived fast. The whole team was on the jet with us.

Penelope gave us a burner. That way we keep incontact with the team without risks.

"As soon as we arrive. We don't know Spencer and y/n." Hotch said to the team.

"We should probably call eachother by the uc name" I look at spencer.

"Okay laura" he says.
"Matthew" we both smile at eachother.

As soon as we land. Me and spencer step into our car.
"Ready to move?" I ask. He smiles.
"Yep, I wonder what the house looks like" he said as i start the engine.

"Me too, I hope we can redecorate if we want" we are going to have to stay for awhile so better make it comfortable.

We arrive at the house and take a look around. Damn 1 bed. "Eem Matthew. We only have 1 bed" I say concerned. I mean we're close but now it feels awkward to sleep in 1 bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch it's fine" he says
"What no that couch looks uncomfortable"
"We have blankets"

"Let's just discuss this late. Let's meet the neighbours?" I ask. He agreed. Penelope gave me a few of her cookies. So I decided to bring them as we walked through the neighbourhood.
"Are we looking for the next target or the unsub?" Spencer asked quietly.

"Eem. Both ig. We give intale to the team and they give the profile to us.  Penelope is looking into all the single guys. If we have a suspect we can wear a wire, that way the team can get a warrent if needed" I explained.

"Now quiet Matthew" I take his arm to look more like a couple.
We passes by a few houses.

"Oo you must be the new neighbours?" A nice lady says.
We used an Exuse to go by house far from ours. Being promiting my therapy practise.

Since I have a PhD as a psychologists I can act as an therapist. But doctor patient confidentiality still exists.

"Hi yes I'm Laura and this is my husband Matthew. We live down the street" she shakes my hand and Spencer introduced himself.

She invited us in.
"We had cookies but they already ran out" Spencer said with a smile. He's really good at playing the nice neighbour.
"Ow no worries, my daughter just made some cake. You want some? I can make a martini aswell"

I coudnt pass on that.
Spencer just asked water.
"So how old is your daughter?" I ask.

"O Samtha is 19. And Alex is 13. She's been having some teenage problems" she says awkwardly.

"Well Laura here is a therapist, if your daughter likes maybe she can swing by"  Spencer said.

I was nervous but, I was a troubled teen once. And I understand their brain both scientific and  about own experiences.
"Yeah sure. First 2 session are free" I offer. Looking at the house I'm guessing they are financially comfortable but money still makes it difficult for people to attend therapy. Bc it might not be worth it.

"I might take you up on that. I really worry sometimes. I don't want to invite her privacy by saying anything but she never comes home on time, and with these thing happening in the neighbourhood...." she was the first to bring up the murders.

"We actually don't know much. What's been happening around here?" Spencer asked.

"There is this creep. A serial killer actually. Who's being killing couples around here. Hes been killing for years and they still haven't catched it. So I'm sure you understand that I don't want my daughter wondering the streets alone" she explains.

"O wow. We had no idea. I knew there was a murder but I didn't know it was serial" Spencer said.

She went on to talk about it. Eventually we left but I gave her my cart for her daughter.

We went back home and called penelope to inform them. The nice lady gave names of people she believes are 'lonely creeps' who we should stay away from. Sadly that's the opposite of what we need to do.

In love with my bestfriend(s)Where stories live. Discover now