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* next day*
(Made up case tw case details like rape)

After therapy I drove back home. I got in the shower and got a text that we have case. I get dressed and drive off but have to turn back bc I forgot my bag.

I run in the conference room and everybody just stood up.
"O shit did I miss the briefing? " I ask hotch. "I'll catch you up on the jet"
I nodd and walk away but almost bump into strauss. "Ow sorry mam" I try to get past her but she blocked my way. "Why are you late doctor y/l/n?"

I never had an encounter with her yet. The only time I spoke to her was when I joined to team.
"I had a therapy session, I was supposed be on time but then we got called in earlier." I tell her honestly, I left out the part where I had to drive back for my stuff.
"This case is very important, I have you have your head in the game"
She gave me this cold look.
I just nodd and walk away.
"Ow and y/l/n don't be late again"
Not even for therapy? I wasn't even going to ask.
She looked sturn, and scary.
Derek was right.

I get to the jet and hotch already sat down. He gave me the case file and went over it with me.

"The therapy killings? Psychology killer? What is this" I read on the first page.
"It's an old case from 10 years ago. We already set up a profile back then, but before we found out who the unsub was. He went cold."
Hotch explained.

I look at pictures of the recent victims.
"He killed an middle aged man, shot true the head. Is that his usual m.o or could we be dealing with a copy cat?"
Hotch nodds sadly.
"But there is more"
I listen carefully.
"Our unsubs victimolgy is parent and child. The parent and child have to have a complicated relationship. Like passed abuse or absence but still there is a relationship. He kidnaps the parent and the child separately. Makes the child confence their hatred and talk about the wrong doings to their parent. When the unsub is satisfied, he kills the parent in front of them. And leaves the child alive, both mentally and physically scared, but in the past he killed some of them aswell" 
I look shocked.
"How many know murders?"
Hotch points to a page in the file.

It has the old profile, and the numbers from the possibly murders linked to him. 26 now 27. They profiled that the killings are not what's important, but the survivors are. The unsub probably got abused in the passed and is taking his revenge on all the parents.

"How old where the survivors?" I ask hotch.
"Between the ages of 15 and 30."
The age of the survivor is 21. So that hasn't changed.
They profiled to unsub to be in his thirties back then.
"You profiled him to be in his 30s, and his oldest survivor was 30. So the age probably means something to him. Maybe he got the worst of abuse in that time. And was freed after"
Hotch nodd.
"We came to the same conclusion back then. We believe being freed from the abuse, is quit literal"
Hotch explained.

"He killed his abuser." I concluded.

Everyone of the team arrives.
We go over it together.
"Jj as of now you are a profiler we need all hands on deck"
Jj nodds. We continued to talk over the case while flying over to denver
I pull out 2 blankets.
I see dave looking at me. "I made 2 blankets for on the plane. I only ment to make 1 but then I get forgetting to bring it so I ended up making another one"
I throw one to Spencer and the other to jj.

Once we arrived me and hotch went to talk to the survivor.
She could barely talk. Her whole body was inshock and she was in a disassociate state.
I sat down next to her looked her in the eyes.
"Emina? Hi. I'm y/n" she was only 19.
"I'm going to take your hand okay. Don't be scared" I slowly and gently move my hand on the hers. And wrap my fingers around. She didn't react at first but after a second she squeezed it. "Hi" I give her a soft smile.

She blinked for the first time since I entered the room.
She moved her eyes on me.
"I'm in pain" a tear escaped her eye. I look up at hotch and he walked out to get a nurse.
She checks to see if he's gone. When hotch left she broke down in tears.
"It's okay, I'm here" she held on to me so I moved closer. She completed wrapped her arms around my body, I sat down on the bed with her.
I rub her back gently, barely touching her.

"He made me say horrible things to her. And then he killed her" she cried out. I see hotch standing outside I shake my head to let him know  he can't come inside. He respectfully give emina some space.
"Everything I said was true but it's so bad-" "shhh" I cut her off. She didn't have to explain. I understood it. Her mom was still her mom, you don't want the last thing you say to her be a bad thing. Even if its the truth.

A male nurse walked in. Emina pulled me infront of her. She was scared.
"Hey, I know your only here to give her morphine but could you maybe ask a female nurse to do it? I'm really sorry" the nurse just nodds and switched places with a female nurse.
I look at Emina. "Sweetheart, I know you don't want to remember but. I have to ask. What did he do to you?"

She hid her face away "he touched me in-" she looked at me with tears fall down her face, leaving red lines. " Do I have to say it" I already understood what she ment. "No you dont have to say it" 

The nurse gave her her pain meds.
"She might fall asleep in a few seconds" I nodd at the nurse and stay with emina until she fell asleep.

After she fell asleep I gently let go of her. I walked outside to hotch.
"I just called penelope to look into Emina Hashar's background to find something about her relationship with her mother" I just give him a nodd and walk to the nurses station.

"Don't let any male doctor's nurser or something in her room. She's terrified, she got raped. Get her a therapist and she needs pills for std and an plan b" the nurse behind the desk nodds and puts it in her medical file.

I look at hotch. "He evolved" is all he said.
"When she fell asleep she said something about filming?" I ask him.
"The unsub films all the murders, the last few murders he send a tape to the local pd to taunt us."  Hotch explained.
"I would hate to be the person who has to review to evidence" We got on our way to precinct.

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