Meeting the Warrior

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Hipper: What about my sister?!

Sampson: By that, I assume you must mean Prinz Eugen?

Hipper: Ye-...wait you know her?

Hipper looked at Sampson with a confused look.

Sampson: Heheh, well yeah... she is the famous warrior of Iron Blood. Im sure everybody knows who she is

Hipper: Well...

Sampson: Something wrong?

Hipper: We got separated...that's why I was by myself fighting those Sirens...I just wonder where she is...

Sampson: I see...well... I'll be on the lookout for her. I can assure you we'll find her

Hipper: Y-you mean that?

Sampson: Of course I do

Hipper: But what if we don't find her?

Sampson: We'll figure something out

Sampson smiled, raising his head to look up at the blue sky. The sunlight reflected off his shiny aviator sunglasses. Imagining the thought of meeting the famed warrior Prinz Eugen.


Sampson sat in his Commanding Officer chair, staring out the windows as he sipped from an ice-cold glass of whiskey. Every time he moved the glass, the sound of tinging ice cubes could be heard. He had been accompanying Hipper for a while until she was no longer coughing up blood. He had given her water, and given her a place to nap for a while.
He told her where she could find him when she woke up.

Now he sat on the bridge by himself, with metal music playing on a low volume. Staring out the windows at the calm sea, in search of an Iron Blood heavy cruiser.

Sampson: Man I am starving...maybe I should go down and grab something to eat...

He said to himself. He didn't want to go anywhere, he feared he might miss the ship he was looking for if he stepped away from the bridge. He'd been traveling for four hours, the sun was beginning to set over the horizon. The door opened behind him, and entering the bridge was Hipper who had awoken from sleep. Sampson looked back to see her walking in.

Sampson: Hey, have a seat!

He pointed to the Executive Officer's chair on the left side of the bridge. She looked around admiring the technologically advanced bridge of the warship. Looking at the screens, the operations table, the helm. All of it was fascinating to her. She slowly walked to the chair and sat down.

Hipper: These chairs sit up quite high...and they are very comfortable!

Sampson: It's fun sitting up high isn't it?

He went back to looking out the windows.

They sat there for a while, looking out the windows. Hipper stared at a glass of water and a pack of chocolates sitting on the console in front of her that Sampson had left there for her. The chocolate pack looked odd to Hipper, as she had never seen a brand of chocolate like this one. She looked over at Sampson for a moment.

Hipper: That's a weird-looking hat

Sampson: Really?.. I think it looks quite nice

He took off his hat, staring at it for a moment.

He took off his hat, staring at it for a moment

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