Operation Sea Thunder

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Morning time came around, about this time, Sampson would be at the training facility, observing Echo team (Brünhilde's team), as they tactically moved throughout a large wooden structure that had a specific layout. Like the layout Alpha team (Cleveland's team) practiced, the layout replicated Echo team's target for the operation, island Echo-04.

As they finished the course, the final time on the digital timer showed: 01:45

Sampson: That's progress, but some things need to be fixed

He said over the intercom from the observatory. The German shipgirls looked at each other.

Sampson: Brünhilde, your reaction time's gotta be faster than that, I'd say you would've died at least six times if those were real Advanced Sirens

Brünhilde swallowed her pride, taking in everything Sampson said. She didn't like it, but she knew it was what must be done.

Sampson: Roon, you're fast at checking corners, but try not to flag your teammates, I saw that happen more than once and you didn't even notice it

Roon: I will do better!

Roon said confidently.

Sampson: Graf Spee, I admire your skills greatly, The way you implement our tactics is perfect, however, when you clear rooms, make the callout on your radio that they're clear, I've noticed you just don't say anything

Graf Spee: I understand and will correct my error

Sampson: Odin, so far you have made no mistakes, keep doing what you're doing, everyone return to the starting line to prepare for insertion

He lets go of the intercom button and backs away from the microphone, watching as the five shipgirls walk back to the starting area.

Eugen: You're teaching them well, so far I like what I am seeing

Sampson turned around, seeing Eugen standing behind him at the back of the room.

Sampson: Yeah, but I'm worried Brünhilde's independent mindset could cause future problems

He said as he looked out the glass at Brünhilde.

Sampson: The way she looks at me, I can tell she shows great distaste toward me

Eugen: Nonsense

She said as she started to approach Sampson.

Eugen: It may not seem like it, but she respects you more than most

Sampson: Really?

He said as she looked back at her.

Eugen: Absolutely, I also showed her Metallica, She thanks you for introducing this music to us because now she has a new favorite song to listen to

Sampson: Really? Which one?

Eugen: "Nothing Else Matters"

She said with a smirk.

Sampson: Heh, not exactly the most enlightening of their music

Eugen: She finds it, somewhat calming

Sampson turns around, looking at the shipgirls as they take off toward the structure as the alarm blares for a split second.

Eugen: I have a question to ask you

She said as she moved up to stand next to Sampson as she watched the five shipgirls clear rooms and halls.

Sampson: I'm all ears

Eugen: Do you have a guitar?

She said as she turned to face him.

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