The Cowboy From Hell

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We have our enemies...and we have our allies...
Sometimes...our allies become our enemies...sometimes our enemies become our allies...
But there is one thing about the end...
The balance of the world is held within our hands...
We are the protectors...
~ USS Sampson

Ford looked at the vessel in the far back. Watching rounds fly through the air.

Devastator: I know what you're thinking, my ship doesn't have a weak's impossible to destroy, haha haha!

Ford didn't know what to say, all he could hope for was that Sam and Eugen were doing something to destroy that ship.

Sampson and Eugen continued to fire all of their guns in various directions at the massive vessel. Still unsure of where the weak point could be.

Every time Sampson and Eugen jumped into the air, secondary guns, and anti-air would fire in their direction. Blowing past them. They could hear the lasers crack passed them, just inches from hitting them.

Sampson: Come on, something needs to break!

Eugen: We aren't affecting this thing even the slightest!

Eugen jumped away from the ship to get a look around, while Sampson continued battering the vessel with his weapons.

Eugen examined the bridge, the front, the back, everything. Looking for an interesting point. Except...

Eugen examined the secondary guns firing on Sampson's position, as they slowly turned, releasing countless rounds of energy blasts. She noticed something about them

When getting a closer look, she noticed small gaps that were exposed under the barrels every time the guns aimed upward.

She stared at them for a moment. She aimed and fired multiple shots.

The first shot missed and bounced off the gun. The second missed, also bouncing off. Then she fired a third round of shells. They were perfect shots. The rounds slipped through the gap and into the gun. The gun then started to break down. When it attempted to fire, the gun exploded. Releasing a plume of smoke.

Eugen smirked, she continued to fire at each secondary gun. Every time a gun aimed upward, she fired into the gap. Blowing up the gun.
There were eighteen. Then there were seventeen, sixteen! Eugen went around the ship destroying the secondary guns.

Eugen: Sam!

Eugen: The guns!..they are the weak points!

Sampson: Copy!

Sampson yelled as he ran around the ship.

Sampson ran to the first main gun at the front of the ship. He fired dozens of rounds. With a few of the rounds going down the barrels of the main gun. Blowing it to pieces. Repeating this process. He moved from gun to gun, firing down the barrels. It was a risky move, as one of the guns could hit him with a blast. But Sampson showed no fear, as he continued to fire down the barrels of each gun.

Slowly, the massive ship began to rumble. Sampson kept taking out the main guns. The more guns he destroyed, the more the ship rumbled and shook.

Its neon red markings started to flicker. The ship started to creek. The sound of scraping metal in a low pitch could be heard as if the ship was screaming in pain. Smoke began to rise into the air from the ship. It began to glow strangely.

 It began to glow strangely

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