Operation Blazing Shield

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It was a dark night out, on the calm seas. The only source of light was the moon glowing in the night sky. And the red beacon lights on the masts of the modern ships, and their bridge windows, glowing from the red lights on their bridge.

On the left and right, were the Western and Eastern attack forces. In the back was the Southern attack force following behind. And in front, leading the pack of ships, was the Northern attack force.

Sampson's ship was at the very front. Behind him on his left and right, was Eugen and Hipper. Followed by Heinrich and Bismarck, Z23's team, and in the center, was Enterprise.

Behind them, was the primary, Southern attack force. Made up of Cleveland and the Union sisters, Helena and her team, were Alabama, Massachusetts, and Jones. And in the center, were Ford and Yorktown.

On the left was the West attack force, made up of Edinburgh's team, along with Burke, Wales, and Belfast. And in the center, was Ark Royal.

On the right, was the East attack force, made up of Sheffield's team, along with Ticon, George, Hood, and in the center, Hornet.

Sampson stared at his blank radar, as he sat in his chair on the bridge that glowed with red lighting, taking occasional puffs of a thick, brown cigar.

Sampson: What is Crimson Lane...

He said to himself as he took the cigar out of his mouth, exhaling white smoke.

Ione: Important operation I see

Sampson: Yes it is...I'm hoping that what I taught  those shipgirls will work well in this battle

Ione: Your teachings are quite skillful, I am sure they will work well

He sat there in thought.


Ione: Worried about her?

Sampson: You can read my thoughts too?

Ione: I can read anything about you, I am a part of you

Sampson:...She is a true warrior..and I love her...

Ione: What exactly do you love about her?

Sampson: Everything...her personality, her red eyes, her white hair, and god don't get me started on that beautiful red streak it has, not to mention her thick German accent...I love everything about her

Ione: You know very well she can handle herself, and that she also loves you..love is a powerful, unstoppable force..just because her superiors don't allow it, that doesn't mean you can't love each other

Sampson sat there in silence, only thinking about Eugen. And still taking puffs from the cigar

Sampson: Are you sure you're not a therapist Ione?

Ione: Stop calling me that damnit!

Sampson smiled and laughed

Sampson: We still need to work on that sense of humor of yours

The radar started to beep more, as it was picking up something on radar.

Sampson looked over at the screen, showing multiple slow-moving objects just a few miles away. The smile he had quickly turned into a serious face.

Sampson: You gotta be kidding me

He grabbed the communications speaker and radioed to the others.

Sampson: Hey heads up..we got five distinct objects moving a steady fifteen kilometers two nautical miles West of our position

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