To Hunt Down And Kill

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After the events of yesterday, everyone would be meeting in the meeting room again. Where they would discuss everything that happened and how they should move forward. While Sampson stood by the coffee table discussing with everyone, Essex stared at him from the background. She stood up with her arms crossed, leaning back against a wall.

Enterprise: It is truly unfortunate what happened to Hipper...this is a loss we all bear...

Sampson: I just wish I could've been there sooner...

Bismarck: You did everything you could Sampson, that I am grateful for...Hipper will be remembered dearly

Tennessee: What about that Siren? Do we have any idea of their whereabouts?

Wales: Not at the moment...we're still looking into it

Sampson: If you find anything, even a small trace, you let me know...that Siren will pay with their life for what they've done

Essex: He changes his mindset so quickly...last night he was in the bar for three he's here, discussing this again without even showing a sign of remorse or sorrow

Hornet: Did she know where the Siren at least went?

Sampson: No...

Suddenly, the door bursts open. Everyone looks over, noticing Denver standing in the doorway. She looks like she just witnessed something horrifying. She was breathing heavily too.


They all quickly followed Denver outside to the fountain in front of the building. Where they found a screen in front of it, displaying something that infuriated Sam to his limits.

It was a video, of Eugen, strapped into a chair.

Eugen: AGH!

She was being punched and beaten by someone who couldn't be seen on screen.

?: Heheheh, let this be an example to all of you ships in the Azur Lane coalition, how weak you all are

Sam stared at the screen, gritting his teeth in rage

The woman speaking in the background comes into view with a large black sword in their hand, which has neon yellow markings. Her yellow eyes stared ominously at the screen.

It was a Siren...

?: This is a special little message I made for a ship that goes by the name "Sampson"...I am Anarchy, the most powerful Elite Siren in existence


?: Want to save your friend here? Come and find me, I'm sure you know where to look...better hurry though

She says as she raises the blade to Eugen's neck.

?: I don't know how much more she can handle

The screen suddenly goes black. Everyone was shocked. Bismarck and the other Iron Blood ships were pissed.

Bismarck: I will find her and kill her

Sampson: No...

Everyone looked at Sam, who was still staring at the camera.

Sampson: I will do it...

He looks back at Bismarck with a glare. His eyes were glowing neon red.

Sampson: They will pay with their life...and I will make it hurt

Later that day, Cape, Virginia, Ticon, Denver, Burke, and Jones would be conversing with each other near the port. A conversation centered around Sampson.

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