Mental Madness

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A few days later, after the battle, everyone returned to usual business. Sampson was sitting at a bar having a drink. He was still thinking about everything that had just happened.

Ione: Thinking about that battle huh?

Sampson: Miraculously, we suffered no casualties, everyone is accounted for

Ione: You must feel great about it

Sampson: Now that the task force has grown in size, we were able to fend off the Advanced Sirens better than ever

Ione: I wonder why your command doesn't just send more ships?

Sampson: It's a precaution, send too many ships, and the whole world will have eyes on us, onlookers back in Pearl City already know about just us alone

Ione: You should ask the others if anything unusual has occurred in your world

He then finishes up his drink and sets his empty drinking glass down on the bar.

Sampson: No point in that, I know Enterprise well, if something abnormal happened he would've told me about it

Ione: You sure of that?

Sampson: He's an honest man, he'd never lie or keep secrets

?: Excuse me, sir?

Sampson: Huh?

Sam looked back, only to see the sight of a Sakuran ship. She had many white tail, along with short white hair.

Sampson: Oh, hey, aren't you the girl that revived the ship Orochi?

Kaga: Mm...don't tell me that's how everyone recognizes me...

She had an embarrassed expression on her face.

Sampson: Ehahahah, it's alright I'm only kidding, I'm Sampson by the way, Is there something you wanted to ask?

Kaga: Huh? It is him, the ship Nagato was talking about

She had a bit of a surprised look on her face.

Kaga: Y-yes...I-

Eugen: Kommandant!

Sampson looked over to his left, Eugen was walking over to him. Kaga looked at her with a glare on her face.

Kaga: You, why are you here?

She said with gritting teeth.

Eugen: Mhmhm, oh calm down I'm not here for you, I thought that was obvious

Eugen said with a smirk. Kaga continued to glare at her.

Eugen: Are you still mad about your sister? I thought you would've gotten over it by now

She said as she stood next to Sam with her arms crossed. Sampson just sat and watched. He didn't want to intervene.

Kaga: What did you say?

Eugen: Anyway, Sam, there's something important you need to see, Miss Nagato requested for me to come get you

Kaga: Nagato?

Sampson: Something important? Alright then, well sorry, Miss Kaga, but it seems I have business to tend to

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