Unknown Island

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Back at the Eagle Union base, the Ford carrier task force was back in port, after traveling back from the Iron Blood base. Sampson and the task force conversed in the meeting room with Enterprise and the others. Most sat around the coffee table, others stood around.

Enterprise: So let me get this straight...this Chinese fleet, is from your world?

Sampson: They're modern rip-offs of us..called "LuYang III" class destroyers...their ships look similar to ours, and their rigs are similar weapon systems as ours

He said as he crossed his arms, standing at the coffee table.

Hornet: Do you know how they got here?

Ford: Probably the same way we did

Sampson: But there's no way China could've built their own portal, the blueprints to ours are highly classified..no one has ever seen them except for the engineers and designers

Burke: Maybe they could've leaked the information to China

Yorktown: What about their faction?

Sampson: They don't have one...they're part of the typical "Chinese Liberation Army Navy"

Enterprise: I didn't know China had a Navy

Sampson: It's not supposed to be founded until four years from now

Eugen: Maybe the Sirens have a connection to them

Burke: That's right...what if those parts we saw on the island were to build a time machine

Sampson: There's no way, the information we received suggested they were being used to build something capable of killing us, not to try and intimidate us

Enterprise: So what about that Chinese shipgirl?

She said as she pointed to the shipgirl who still had her hands tied, sitting down in a chair, across the room.

Sampson: We interrogated her twice, still haven't gotten anything out of her...I can tell she wants to say something though...Eugen gave her foot a hard time

Sampson then looked over at Burke, who was standing next to him.

Sampson: We should keep your portal theory in mind..if they built a portal...it could mean bad news...who knows what could be waiting on the other side

Ford: If those Chinese ships got out of that missile attack alive, they'll be looking for us...we took one of their sisters after all

Sampson: We're Arleigh Burke destroyers, we're built to fight, they better know how

Ford:...We recently conducted a large scale air reconnaissance with a few drones...Jones

Jones pulled out a tablet and presented it on the coffee table.

Ford: That last location you suggested, Enterprise, seemed like a good place to look...we found Chinese destroyers in port, on a large unknown island

Hornet: So that's what their ships look like

She said as she stared at the tablet.

Belfast: They do look a lot like your ships


Ford: Upon further scouting, we found what seems to be a large base of some kind

Jones: The base also appears to be heavily armed and guarded by Sirens

He said as he swiped through different photos.

Burke: And those Chinese ships

Enterprise: Just how far inland is this base?

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