Raging Blood

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We have our enemies, and we have our allies. Sometimes our allies become our enemies. Sometimes our enemies become our allies.
But there is one thing about us. In the end, the balance of the world is held within our hands. We are the protectors. ~ USS Sampson

The Siren continued to look down upon Sampson and Eugen with a sinister smile.

Eugen: Something is not right about her

Eugen said as she looked up at the Siren with a glare.

Sampson: Yeah...she must contain a lot of strength, we might want to be careful fighting her

Sampson said as he looked up at the Siren.

Eugen nodded her head in agreement as she continued to stare down the Siren.

?: What's wrong? You look so serious

The Siren said mockingly.

Sampson: So you're the one who's responsible for everything that's happened

Sampson said in a stern voice.

?: Ah, you must be Sampson... Heh, I've been looking for you

Sampson: Here I am

?: The amount of trouble you caused me is immeasurable...before I came here, I decided that every time you caused me trouble, I'd inflict pain on you a thousand times worse than you inflicted on us

Sampson: You speak as if I'm the bad guy

?: Our mission as Sirens is to help humanity evolve... and doing so through war is the best method

Sampson: Well, humanity created us, don't you think your mission is accomplished? They created a weapon far greater than you

?: What is it you're saying exactly? Because they created you, a weapon that can beat us? That means you can beat anything else that lurks around in space?

Sampson: I'm saying you're full of shit

Sampson said as he lightly nodded his head.

Sampson: In my opinion, no, not just mine; in our opinion, you're a bunch of terrorists trying to take over a planet you're not supposed to be on

?: You can perceive us whichever way you want, it doesn't change our goals, humanity is weak-

Sampson: We don't care about your goals, we're fighting you because you're trying to ruin the lives of billions who are just trying to live their lives, and we just want you to fuck off

Eugen: You have been responsible for the deaths of many, as a result, you must perish as they did, we will cleanse this earth of your filth

?: Heh... If that's how it is...

Suddenly, the water below the massive floating object exploded.

Sampson and Eugen look at the explosion, noticing a new object floating on the surface of the water.

?: Then I'll make things right!!! So we can turn humanity into the most powerful civilization to ever live!!!

Suddenly, a massive beam of red light shot down from the massive object, slamming into the object on the surface. A huge neon red ring started to form around the floating object. The force of it was so powerful, it moved the water outward. The object on the surface reflected the beam outward, turning it into two streams of neon blue light. The sudden action of the floating object caused the clouds to dissipate. And even made the sky look dark.

Sampson: What's happening?!

Sampson: What's happening?!

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