Homeward Warrior

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The strange voices of two women conversed with each other, in a dark chamber. One of the women was the same woman. She had a deep voice.

??: So, Obliterator suffered at the hands of that ship

?: Yes, she was killed in some kind of massive explosion

??: How pathetic, I thought she was better than that

?: Or perhaps this ship is much stronger than we anticipated

??: Yes that could be it too

?: Shall I send someone else to capture him?

??: No, if he is truly this strong, then he is too dangerous, if the Obliterator could not defeat him, then none of our other fighters can

?: Then what should we do?

Then, a pair of two yellow eyes glowed brightly in the very dark, echoing chamber.

??: I will go myself

?: Are you sure that's a good idea master?

??: I am the only one here who could be strong enough, I will put an end to this shipman and his friends once and for all

The day started with gloom. The sun was filtered out by dark stormy clouds, as they thundered in the distance. It was hard for everyone. Everyone stood in rows, as they saluted to a grand casket, with a fifty-star American flag draped over the top of it.

After the ceremony, Sampson could be seen, staring at the casket. His face was blank. Everyone knew how close he and Ford were. They all felt nothing but sorrow for him. Nobody could tell what he was thinking, or what he was feeling. All they saw, was an empty destroyer.

A while later, on his destroyer sitting in port, Sampson was below deck, using a shower. It was totally quiet, with the only sound being the falling water, hitting the hard floor. He stood there under the water, in total silence. Out of nowhere, he slams his fist against the tiled wall in anger.

Sampson: Damnit..why you...why did it have to
be you!!

Sampson gritted his teeth, as regret and rage filled his body. All he could think about was the image of someone in his head.

?: I promise I'll come back!

Said the voice of a woman.

Sampson: I know you will

Those words echoed in his head over and over.

"I promise I'll come back"
"I promise I'll come back"

Sampson: You said you'd come back...and you never did....first you, and now Ford

Meanwhile, at an outdoor table, sat four shipgirls. They all looked as if they were worried. Ark Royal was looking around, trying to spot someone that no one had seen all day.

Ark Royal: I truly worry about that ship Sampson, I haven't seen him anywhere

Belfast: I can't imagine how painful this loss is for him...

Hornet: I hope he's alright

Enterprise: War is a painful time...today we grief, tomorrow we continue our fight

They sat in silence. The sound of a breezy wind and distant thunder could be heard. There was also the sound of...


The girls looked over in the distance. There was a shipgirl running toward them.

Belfast: Is something the matter Miss Hammann?

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