To Hell and Back

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Metal scraping
Fires crackling
Shipgirls yelling callouts
Sirens buzzing movements


At O'seven hundred in the morning. The clear skies and sunrise would quickly turn into a dark hell, filling the sky with clouds of black smoke. Fire and ash rise to the air, as buildings on base and ships in port are blown apart by incoming missiles, instantly killing many shipgirls. This would be the first of the many bloodiest battles to come.

As shipgirls attempted to battle against Sirens they have never combated before. Even the Grey Ghost was troubled by the new enemy. The new mass-produced Siren ships were capable of firing missiles and had more advanced anti-air guns. These Sirens fought harder and better, with completely different tactics.

Helena: I need support over here!

Northampton: We don't have any more suppor- GAH!!

Northampton screams as she is blasted by a laser, knocking her back and falling over as blood flies everyehere.

Helena: NORTHAMPTON!! Medic!!!
Belfast: Cleveland on your six!

Belfast shot down an attacking Siren...saving Cleveland's life

Cleveland: Thanks for that!

Enterprise: Keep fighting we cannot back down, if we do we lose the base and many more lives!

Siren: EHAHAHA! Even the famous Enterprise is having a hard time!

Vestal: I need a repair ship over here!

Wales: You are the repair ship!

Vestal: Why does everything have to be so hard?!

Wales: Keep firing! Do not let up!

Enterprise was occupied in a tangle with three Sirens

Enterprise: Siren bastards!

She engaged in hand-to-hand combat, firing arrows, throwing kicks and punches

St. Louis: There's too many of them, what do we do?!

Alabama: Just keep fighting, we cannot be defeated now!

Yorktown: Damnit I can't get any planes in engagement, their AA is too advanced!

Hornet: Me neither, how do we counter them without air support?!
Meanwhile, staring out the windows of their aircraft carrier...

?: Do you see what I see?

??: Copy I see it, over

???: We're still five mikes out

Looking at the cloud of smoke over land on the horizon

?: Let's get our birds in the air and show Azur Lane some support

????: Ford, you're not starting the party without me, are you?

Ford: Sampson, good to hear from you, it's been a while

Sampson: I've been doing important things, let's show these Sirens we don't fuck around

Ford: Roger that

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