Memories And A Tragic Past

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The day was sunny, with a few clouds high in the sky. The sound of a Humvee could be heard rumbling down the street, as it comes to a stop in front of the medical building. The engine shuts off, and the driver-side door opens. Brown leather square-toe cowboy boots make contact with the concrete ground. Sampson closes the driver-side door and walks around the front of the Humvee.

He places his hand on the handle of the glass doors to the building entrance. He pulls the door open, and walks in, letting the door slowly close behind him by itself as he walks further into the main lobby. He rounds a corner to the right, walking down a narrow hallway, with many doors on either side.

On his left, he comes to a double-doored room, he pushes open one of the doors and walks into a room full of medical beds on the left and right.

Belfast: So what's the story?

Sampson: I don't know, it was all sort of was this then that..she said they had no choice, but she also said they told them about us destroying their future..or their past or whatever

Belfast: That does sound confusing

Sampson: What all sounds right, the Sirens killed their entire naval fleet, spared them but forced them to work for them, told lies which led to them obeying their order, and coming here to try and kill us

Belfast: I see, you are aware that they will be facing punishment right?

Sampson: Do what you gotta do, in prison or not, I promised them to help, and that's what I'm gonna give them

Belfast: What do you mean by help?

Sampson: Killin' Sirens, killin' Sirens

He said as he stared at the Chinese shipgirls laying on the beds.

Ticon and Burke were walking alongside each other, passing by small stores, restaurants, and food stands. Burke was kinda quiet, while Ticon kept saying random names.

Ticonderoga: James Pardi?, Joseph?..ugh! starts with a J!

Burke: Are you okay?

Ticonderoga: I'm trying to figure out the name of the artist who created that country song

Burke: Eh, alright

Ticonderoga: Jo, J-...Joh...Jon...Jon, that's it!

Burke: Huh?

Ticonderoga: Jon Pardi!

Burke: Oh, congrats on figuring it out

Ticonderoga: You could at least add a little enthusiasm

Ticon and Burke's attention was then grabbed by something. It was a Humvee driving passed them, going in the opposite direction of them. They could see the driver just as it passed by them.

Ticonderoga: There's Sam...I wonder if he's okay

Burke: What you told me doesn't sound like him, I wonder why he'd just walk away like that

Ticonderoga: I don't know...but I worry about him

Sampson stared out the rearview mirror on his left, seeing them staring at him as he drove up the street.
He came to a stop at a stop sign at the end of the street, looking at them in the mirror one last time. He adjusted his sunglasses and lightly pressed down the gas pedal while turning right and disappearing from their view.

As he drove up the street he made a slight left turn, down a narrow street that split off from the other one. The street began to curve upward. As he passed by shipgirls walking by, and small businesses, he came to another stop. Looking left, then looking right. He watched as a fancy car that was forty years older than the 1980s Humvee, passed by on the street perpendicular to him.

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