An Unbeatable Union

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Sampson: Any minute now Jones

Sam says as he stares at his wristwatch.

Sampson: We got sixty seconds

Ione: Eugen says everyone is in position near the center of the base, Burke and Jones are with them now

Sampson: Then the prison should be cleared out

Suddenly, the sound of a beep could be heard. A very similar beep. He looked to his left, looking up at the ceiling-mounted radar. It was making its typical "beep-boop" sound. Scanning the surrounding area.

Sampson: Right on cue, well done, time to play our part, and tell Eugen everything is all set

Ione: Got it

The main gun on the forward deck started to turn slightly to the right, aiming upward.

Ione: She acknowledges, everything is ready

Sampson: Since Burke got the main gun fixed up, I figured we start this off with a bang

Ione: Sounds good

Sam timed it down, all the way to the last second.



The main gun fired one round. It soared through the air, traveling at high speed. The Sirens never saw it coming. The round slammed into the side of the prison, causing a big explosion. Killing multiple Sirens on impact.

The explosion and initial gunshot could be heard all over the base.

??: What?!

The powerful Siren yelled in surprise. Looking over in the direction of the docks, she could see missiles being launched into the air.

Sampson: A good way to start it off

He said as he watched the missiles cloud the forward deck with white smoke as they launched into the sky.

The missiles proceeded to traverse above the island, blasting the prison and the surrounding area. Killing countless numbers of Sirens.

??: Damnit! I'll go deal with him myself

Enterprise: L-leaving so soon?

??: Huh?

The Siren looked at Enterprise, who was barely sitting up.

Enterprise: T-the party is just starting

She says as she barely lifts her head. Her eyes look up at the Siren.

??: What do you mean?

Enterprise looks over, past the Siren. The sight was unbelievable.

The Siren looks back, only to see hundreds of thousands of blue cubes soaring through the air. They were coming from the port.

??: I'll leave my infantry to deal with them

Enterprise: He scares you...doesn't he?

She says with a quivery voice.

??: What?

Enterprise: He does...h-he terrifies you

??: He is nothing but an obstacle in the way

Enterprise: I can see the fear in you

??: Shut up, or I can eliminate you right here and now

Enterprise: Do what you want with me...because in the end, you'll be the one who loses...we will come out on top

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