My Friend Of Misery

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Cape and Anarchy clashed with each other, blocking each other's attacks with their swords. The sound of clashing blades was intense. Cape delivers a kick, forcing Anarchy back a few feet.

Anarchy: Interesting, you can anticipate my movements, then try this!

She said as she started running in a quick zigzag motion toward Cape. She raised her arm cannon, firing a blue blast at Anarchy. The blast hits her head on, but she continues to charge right at Cape. She blocks Anarchy's sword with her katana. And a clash between blades ensues again. Anarchy clashes her sword with Cape's again, the sheer strength forces Cape back a few feet. Anarchy then fires a Siren cannon at her, but Cape easily dodges her shot and fires back. Anarchy dodges the shot and looks at Cape with a grin.

Anarchy: I am impressed, I'd like to know how you do it

Cape: It's the device I have on my eye, it allows me to see your movements seconds before you make them, that and the years of combat under my belt, which means I have the upper hand in this fight

They start to circle each other, preparing for the next move.

Anarchy: Interesting, I get all my capabilities from when I was created, I was made a fighter who could eradicate entire armies!

She yells as she runs at Cape, swinging her sword. Cape easily anticipates the move and ducks under the swing. She jabs her sword into the Siren's back, however...

Cape: What?

The blade of the katana didn't even pierce her skin. Like steel to a stone. She quickly gains distance as Anarchy swings her blade again.

Anarchy: Heheh, surprised? My skin is almost as strong as tungsten! You'll never pierce it with that toy!

Cape: me

She says as she raises her arm cannon and fires countless blasts at Anarchy. Anarchy charges Cape head-on, letting the blasts hit her. She was completely unfazed by them. Cape deflects Anarchy's sword with her katana as she dodges her and continues firing blasts at her. She watches as she charges her head on again. This time she is too quick to dodge. The two clash blades again, swinging on each other left and right. Cape fires two blasts as she blocks Anarchy's sword twice. The blasts do nothing to affect her.

Anarchy fires a Siren blast, but Cape is quick to deflect it. The blast ricocheted off her blade and hit the ceiling of the cave. Exploding on impact.

Sampson: Wow...she's really going at it...I've never seen Cape fight like this before...

Sam thought to himself as he watched Cape deflect Anarchy's sword attacks with ease. Cape jumps high into the air upon deflecting another sword attack. Doing a flip, she lands behind Anarchy and fires all seven of her cannons. But Anarchy barely dodges it. All seven blasts hit the cave wall, creating a powerful explosion. They gain distance from one another, staring each other down.

Anarchy: You're fascinatingly good for someone who is sword-fighting with one hand...So tell me, what is it that drives you to fight like this?

Cape: I am a warship, I serve my country with pride and glory, to protect it and its people from foreign threats not of this Earth

Sampson: She said her phrase!

Anarchy: How arrogant you are

Cape: You are a threat to my country and my people, as a result, I must end your life

She said as she got into a stance with her katana.

Cape: Here and now

Anarchy: I'll be sure to put a scratch on you this time

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