Warrior Missing In Action

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It's been two days since Eugen and Hipper were supposed to return to the base. Sampson begins to worry about them both. Things would pop up in his brain, such as: Did I make them mad? Did Bismarck find out? Maybe it's just more business? Did she... no, no way that would've happened to her.

Bismarck and a few other ships were scheduled to arrive today and meet with other ships to discuss their sudden disappearance. The task force, along with Enterprise would be waiting at the port to greet them. They watched as the ships came in, flying their flags high on their masts. One ship in particular stood out most to them.

Burke: Is that?

They could see her standing on the bow of the ship, staring at them with a calm, yet ominous smile. The distinctive outfit and their red horns stood out.

Ark: They brought her along

Enterprise: It's her...Friedrich

They watched as they got off their ships and started walking up to everyone.

Enterprise: It's a pleasure, Bismarck, we are pleased you all could be here

Bismarck: Greeting Enterprise, Admiral Sampson, we are pleased to be here

Bismarck looks around at everyone, noticing ships she's never seen before.

Bismarck: I see you have some new ships with you as well

Enterprise: Yes, these ships that are here with Sampson from his world

Bismarck: I see, it is a pleasure to meet you all

Cape: Greetings!

Bismarck: These are my subordinates, Hindenburg, Odin, Prinz Heinrich, Roon, and Friedrich

Virginia: Nice to meet ya!

Friedrich looked over at Burke, who stood there with a straight face, wearing his tactical sunglasses. She begins slowly walking toward him. He watches as she stops in front of him, staring at him with the same smile she had when they arrived.

Friedrich: You must be Arleigh Burke, I've heard many stories about you...I must say, I admire your skills and strength

She said as she placed her hand on his chin.

Burke: Eheheh...

Burke blushed, laughing awkwardly. He noticed Tennessee glance over at him with a glare.

Burke: Eh-...

He quickly put on a straight face.

Friedrich: Anyway, we should move on to the reason we came here, yes?

She said as she walked away from Burke.

Hood: Agreed

Enterprise: Then we shall

They would all meet in the meeting room. Where most would sit around the coffee table.

Enterprise: So, you haven't seen them at all?

Heinrich: Well, they were there for our meeting we had five days ago, but after that

Hindenburg: Actually, I saw them departing from the port a day after

Sampson: Was there a reason they left so early?

Bismarck: I gave them authorization to return here after Eugen requested...but beyond that, I do not know

Enterprise: What routes do you take to get here?

Bismarck: We use three different coordinated routes, I have a map with them marked on it

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