What Lies Ahead

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Akashi and several others gasped in absolute disbelief. The white hair and blue eyes gave her appearance and identity away to everyone.

Akashi: Shoukaku?!?!

Hornet: What the hell?!

It was the missing Japanese carrier. Her head was limp. She looked at the ground in total guilt.

Burke: I'll be damned...

Sampson: Yoi Senshi, I'll guess your sister gave you that nickname

Burke frisked her for anything else she might have. Pulling out Kunais, and another karambit. Akashi couldn't believe it. She almost teared up.

Sampson: Lock her up for now, we'll interrogate her later

Burke: Aye sir

Enterprise: Hornet, Belfast, I'd like you to be his escort..make sure she doesn't try anything funny

Belfast: Of course Miss Enterprise

Hornet: Right away!

In a small room, Yoi, or Shoukaku, sat in a chair next to a table in total silence. The door opens, and Sampson enters the room. He stands there for a second, staring at her, and continues forward, closing the door behind him. He sits down in a chair across the table from her. He took off his hat, set it on the table, and rested his elbows on the table. Resting his forehead on his hands that were interlaced together, he sighed in a form of disappointment, and disbelief.

Sampson: Where do I begin with you

He said as he picked up his head, and looked at her.

Sampson: The one and only aircraft carrier Shoukaku..a great Japanese ship, turned rogue ship that likes to play with swords

She glared at him in silence.

Sampson: Why..why is it that you try to kill me, one of the very men who helped organize a team to liberate you and your friends from the Sirens

Shoukaku: That, is something you will never understand

Sampson: And why is that?


Sampson: You said that I was a problem standing in the way...I was told that by a Siren once

Shoukaku: Those are not Sirens...those are killers

Sampson: We're all very aware of that..this new form of Sirens, they're familiar to me... I've dealt with them for a long time

Shoukaku: How can you continue war like this..when you can just cut a deal with the enemy

Sampson: Cut a deal? Do you understand how ludicrous that sounds? Just cut a deal with the enemy, it's not that simple

Shoukaku: I didn't make the deal, they made it for me, for us

Sampson: Hold on..so the Sirens made you a deal, tell me more about that

Shoukaku: I'd like something first

Sampson: What do you want?

He said with a sigh.

Shoukaku: A water

Sampson ducked down and picked up a bottle of water sitting on the floor. He set it on the table.

Shoukaku: And to be released from these restraints

Sampson: Not a chance

Shoukaku: Oh come on, you stripped me of all my weapons, what am I gonna do?

Sampson was hesitant. But knew how important this information could be. He stood up from his chair and walked around the table. He unsheathed his combat knife and walked behind her chair. He cut the zip tie in one swipe, letting her loose.

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