The Last Task Force! Knights Of The Sea!

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One week after the defeat of the Advanced Sirens, everyone would stand in rows to listen to a speech given by Enterprise, who was standing on a wooden podium with a mounted microphone, with the entire modern fleet standing in a line behind her.

Enterprise: Throughout the course of this war, you have all shown great strength, it is an honor to serve alongside such valiant warriors such as yourselves

She said as she looked around at every shipgirl.

Enterprise: We should also be thanking these individuals who stand before me today, had it not been for their help, we would've been trampled by the enemy's wrath

Enterprise: Not only was their help extremely beneficial, but one individual stands out from the rest, one who could be defined as the very definition of valiance

Enterprise: May USS Sampson please step forward, for I am proud to present to you a prestigious award, for your valor, and actions that went above and beyond the call of duty

Sampson, with a straight face, without a hat or sunglasses, steps forward from the line. Standing next to Enterprise, he turns and faces her.

Enterprise steps behind him, and wraps a medal around his neck. It had a blue ribbon with 13 white stars. At the end of the ribbon was a bronze five-point star. She then walks around in front of him and says...

Enterprise: Thank you for your service and sacrifices you have made for our nation

She salutes Sampson, as he salutes her back. The sound of applauding filled his ears.

The next day after, everyone would celebrate their victory at the center of the base. Every single shipgirl from every faction gathered together as music played in the background. They would talk and laugh with each other. Many hung around the decorated stone fountain at the center of the cobblestone plaza. While many other shipgirls were celebrating by eating delicious foods made for the occasion.

Sampson, Eugen, Bismarck, Roon, Ticonderoga, Washington, Essex, Burke, Ethan, and Virginia, hung out at one of the outdoor bars, celebrating their victory by consuming alcoholic beverages as they laughed about some jokes and funny stories from each other's pasts.

Bismarck: Heheh, all jokes aside, your world seems more advanced than I thought

Burke: Yeah, we've shared some good times back home

Ethan: Couldn't agree more

Roon: I still can't believe you two are dating! How amazing!

Eugen: How long did you know?

Bismarck: Heinrich became suspicious of you a while back, she came to me about it, the only reason I am not punishing you for it is because of the way you two have fought this war

Heinrich: You're so lucky Eugen

Eugen: As it's been expressed

Heinrich: No, you're so lucky to have such an amazing man!

Heinrich said jealously.

Eugen smirked at Heinrich.

Heinrich: Don't look at me like that! Your method of teasing people is so irritating...

Eugen: That's the purpose of teasing

Bismarck: Less arguing and more drinking, yeah?

Bismarck says as she picks up her glass of red wine.

Meanwhile, Kaga and Akagi were standing a few feet away from the group with Zuikaku and Takao.

Kaga: Wait, so you're telling me, all this time I was suspicious of those two when they were just dating?

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