Wrath Of The Storm

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Sampson: War...it has many definitions

Sampson: Most will define it as a violent conflict between States or nations, others will define it as pure hell...but there's more to it than just that

Sampson: A hellish conflict between two or more nations or states...they oftentimes battle it out for meaningless reasons...other times it will be for one's own survival and future...

Sampson: This war is for our future, and our survival...that is how I define it

On this day, countless would risk their lives in a merciless battle for the sake of humanity. These warriors would never back down or kneel to the enemy in weakness. They would show their true determination and hope. Their pride for their countries, and their people.

Many Siren ships were in flames or critical condition. There were scraps of Siren ships floating on the water all over the place. While most of them were firing their main guns at shipgirls. Planes from both sides fell from the sky, crashing into the water. Whether it was an F/A-18, a Siren aircraft, an SBD, or an F4F, many of them fell in burning fireballs. There were explosions everywhere. Torpedoes and missiles hitting Siren ships. Along with Siren torpedoes or missiles narrowly missing shipgirls.

Sampson activated his ability, his eyes blazed with red flames as he got to an angle lining up ten Siren ships. Pointing his arm cannon, he quickly fires a large red ball of concentrated energy that flies at the first ship. The ball smashed through it like it wasn't even there, then smashed into the second ship after it, then the third, to the fourth, all the way to the tenth ship. They all exploded in massive plumes of smoke and ash.

Lying his focus on a ship firing at him with its main guns, he dodges it as he deactivates the power. His eyes return to normal as he fires three missiles at the ship. They are unsuccessful as they are intercepted by anti-air, causing them to blow up in the sky. So he launches his torpedoes. They splash into the water upon being fired out of his torpedo tubes and propel forward at fast speeds. They slam into the Siren ship, causing water to explode into the air as the ship's hull is blown apart.

Zuikaku: Akagi look out!

Zuikaku yelled as a Siren dove down on Akagi.

Kaga: Stay away from my sister!!!

Kaga yelled with an angered expression as she threw out three of her planes. The Siren destroyed them with her cannons and continued diving on Akagi, determined.

Kaga: Damn!!!

One of Akagi's planes comes around and blasts the Siren in the back with its guns.

?: AGH!!!

The Siren screams in pain as she falls to the surface.

Akagi: What a fool, thinking they can intrude on my sister and I's love

Akagi said with a glare.

Her planes were then shredded out of the sky by a Siren aircraft firing its main guns. The aircraft was being pursued by a F/A-18, which then blasted the Siren plane out of the sky with a missile as they flew above Akagi's head. Akagi was mesmerized by the fighter jet, watching it in awe as it flew overhead.

Burke: These ships seem a lot more durable than the other Siren ships we face!!!

Burke said as he launched torpedoes at one of the ships and fired his ciws and arm cannon at the Sirens flying around in the sky.

Jones: Yeah no kidding!!!

Jones responded as he launched missiles at incoming Siren missiles.

Cleveland and her S.O.T teammates were on a whole new level now thanks to the training they've been going through. A Siren closes in on Cleveland, diving on her position for hand-to-hand combat. Cleveland dodges her incoming attack, raising her leg and slamming her heel into the back of the Siren's head. Slamming their face into the water and finishing them off by shooting them with one of her main guns. Columbia was able to shoot down three Sirens already using her main guns, blood fell from the sky as the rounds from her guns hit the flying Sirens. They fell from the sky, with one of them screaming in pain.

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