Free The Eagle

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Sampson translated another message to the cell. Burke understood every word that was translated through the camera.

"Change of plans, get out at 12:30, same exit points"

There were only three hours to go. Their lives were on the line. This means Sam will have to act fast. Sam closed out a camera screen on one of the computers. Gaining access to something on the computer using just the keyboard. He looked up, staring at a clock mounted on the wall. Waiting for the minute hand to move.


As soon as the clock changed to 11:30, Sam pushed the "Enter" key on the keyboard. The computer screen displayed a countdown timer. Starting at 60 minutes, counting down. Sam backed away from the console and turned to the door. He placed his hand on the door handle, quickly, but quietly, turning it. He cracks the door open ever so slightly, peering out into the empty hallway. He pulls the door open, twisting the lock on the handle. Walking out into the hallway, while slowly closing the door behind him, he keeps his head on a constant left and right swivel.

Sam starts to walk down the hall at a quiet pace. He could hear a commotion down at the end of the hall. What sounded like Sirens communicating with each other.

?: He's around here somewhere, find him!

??: Take left, I'll take right!

Sam proceeded down the hall with precaution. He approaches a door to a janitorial closet and places his hand on it. He opens the door, quietly moving into the closet. The sound of footsteps started to grow closer. His instincts were yelling to stay where he was. He could sense the Siren's presence just a few feet down the hall. The Siren approaches the door. As soon as they peek their head in, Sampson grabbed the Siren. He yanked her into the room as hard as he could. Slamming their head into a shelf, causing the shelf to break in half.

?: GAH!

He then brought his knee up and slammed the Siren's head into it, breaking their entire face. He then brings back his arm and pushed his fist full force. Punching the Siren directly in the face, breaking their face even more, killing the Siren. The Siren falls to the floor, letting go of what appeared to be a very strange-looking rifle.

 The Siren falls to the floor, letting go of what appeared to be a very strange-looking rifle

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Sam picks up the rifle, examining it up, and down. The neon yellow markings and its strange, but recognizable form.

Sampson: Looks kind of like a Famas, so now you Sirens are copying human technology

He peeks his head out into the hallway again. Looking left and right, it appeared as though the hall was empty. So Sam moved out of the closet and ran down the hall. He made a quick left around a corner, continuing down another hall. As he approached the end of that hall, another one began perpendicular to that one. Sam stopped as he heard more commotion down the hall. He peeked his head around the corner, only to see another hall of steel doors.

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