The Fall Of A Warrior

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Burke ran out to the helo deck, yelling in curiosity.

Burke: What the hell is going on?!

Sampson: Burke, take Guiyang and go back to the base!

Burke: What sir?!

Sampson: That's an order!

Ford: What the hell was all that?!

Sampson: It's the ship Guiyang described!'s here!

Ford:...In that case...

Ford jumped off the deck, and landed his feet firmly on the water, walking over to Sam. Ford had no choice but to believe Sam. A big beam of burning purple light did just attack them after all.

Ford: Let's kick some ass

Sampson: We can handle this Burke, go now!!


He didn't know what to say, he just followed his orders and walked away as his ship started to move away from the scene.

Sampson: If that ship attacks the base, everyone is done for...we kill that thing here and now!

Ford: Right!

They took off, dashing. Headed for the horizon, where that ship was supposed to be. Ford began launching more F35s into the air, which took off at supersonic speeds. There was soon to be a deadly battle...

Ticonderoga and Jones started to catch up to their previous position, where they were before. Dashing on the water, they stopped and looked around for a moment.

Ticonderoga: Where did they go?.. I swear they were just here!

Jones: I don't know, you don't think that Chinese ship has something to do with this, do you?

Ticonderoga: Look at that...

She said as she looked over the Jones' right, and pointed. Jones looked over, and in the distance, they could see the destruction left behind from their previous battle.

Sinking Siren ships were cut completely in half. Some had huge holes in them. And others were completely missing their upper half. Sirens lay dead on the ocean surface.

Ticonderoga: Did they cause this destruction?.. I didn't know they were this powerful...

Jones: Geese..what a mess

Suddenly, the sound of quiet, distant sounds could be heard. They sounded like explosions and gunfire.
Ticon and Jones were alerted by the sound. They turned and started to move forward, through the destructive scene of blood, corpses, sinking ships, and floating debris.

Ticonderoga: Come on, quickly!

She yelled as they started to dash faster. Running through the burning hellish scene. When they reached the other side of the scene, they could see distant glows of orange light, exploding in the distance over the horizon.

Jones: Looks like we found them

Ticonderoga: Seems like they'll need our help..let's go!

Jones: Roger that!

Ford: Damn, they don't let up!!!

Sampson: Ngh!..I don't know how much longer I can do this

He thought to himself. The flames in his eyes seemed unstable, they were dim, then they were bright. They were small, then they grew.

Sampson: Ione..what the hell is happening?!

Ione: You're using the power too're lacking the energy to continue like this

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