The American And The German

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Standing in the dark void, he looked around.
Once again, a light brightened above that same round table. As Ione sat there, waiting for Sam to come to take a seat across from her.

He sat down in the chair, looking down at the drinks.

Sampson: Coffee

Ione: Just the way you like it..since you do not like tea

Sampson: Sweat tea is fine...but coffee I'd prefer much more

Ione: I'll be sure to remember that

Sampson: summoned me?

He said as he leaned back.

Ione: Based on the information your mental cube has gathered..your limits have increased vastly since Operation Blazing Shield

Sampson: I used the power a lot though...

Ione: must step down on how much you use this power...not too often

Sampson: So why didn't you stop me before?

Ione: Your choices are not mine to decide, and the situations you were put in suggest that using the power was the right move

Sampson: So how powerful do you suggest I've become?

Ione: You are now powerful enough to defeat the Devastator in mere seconds

Sampson: Too bad I killed her...I can't test it out

Ione: Remember, only use the power in life-threatening, and complicated is not for a training purpose

Sampson: Then how am I supposed to improve?

Ione: Your mental cube does that for turns that information into fuel for the fire that burns within you..the bigger the flame, the stronger it is

Sampson sat there in deep thought. Thinking about something. Working up the courage to say something he thought was very import-...

Sampson: You use a lot of metaphors don't you

Ione glared at him, looking like she wanted to punch Sam.

Sampson: Seriously...sense of humor

He said with a humorous smile


Sampson was still smiling humorously.

Ione: appears you are approaching your destination

Sampson: That all?

Ione: Yes it is..we shall converse more at a later time

Sampson: Very well

The light in the room disappeared, as a bright red light flashed in Sampson's eyes.

Behind his aviator sunglasses, he opens his eyes and stares out the windows of the bridge. Looking around the surrounding area, in formation with the others, along with the Iron Blood fleet in front of him.

As they approached the mouth of the harbor, many ships could be seen parked in the port. Occupying every dock.

Except a few open docks reserved for the incoming Iron Blood fleet. Sampson and the others would have to stop in the mouth of the harbor, before the ports.

Ford: All ships drop anchor, let's go

Ford said over the radio

Sampson: Copy

He released the anchor at the front of the ship, watching the chains on the deck moving forward.

He got up from his chair and took the easy way out of the bridge. Walking out to the starboard bridge wing, and jumping over the solid rails, landing his boots firmly on the forward deck. He continues to walk passed the main gun, walking up the angled deck, to the nose of the ship.

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