One Hell of A Morning

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The sun rises on another calm morning, bringing into view a stationary destroyer sitting on the waters next to two heavy cruisers. The cruisers of course were a lot bigger than the destroyer.

Sitting on the right side of the bridge is Samp- wait...

Sampson wakes up in the XO chair, turning his head to the right, to see Eugen passed out in the CO chair, still holding the now, empty bottle of whiskey. Almost bringing a tear to Sampson's eye

Sampson: My whiskey...

Sampson slowly gets up and walks over to the starboard windows to see the cruiser covering his view of the sun, Sampson almost had forgotten they can control ships from other places, which is how the cruisers followed the destroyer

Sampson: That's...also a hell of a view I guess

Sampson stood there looking over at the passed-out Eugen slouched back in his chair, smiling as he thought about what they'd talked about yesterday while traveling. They had gotten to know each other a lot more.

After standing there for a while, Sampson decided to go down to the communications room, then to the mess deck to make coffee for him and Eugen, one of the things he learned about her is how she likes her coffee.

Exiting the bridge and beginning his way to the lower decks.
Walking through the narrow halls and corridors,
Sampson opens the door to communications and locks it behind him. It's a small room, with towering gray metal boxes with buttons and switches, and a switchboard with a variety of different radio channels and signals. Sampson walks over and sits down at the metal desk with buttons and knobs, putting on a pair of headsets and tuning to a private radio channel.

Radio: This is Sampson calling out to Ticonderoga...

A girl sits in a chair, leaning back, reading a book. Who's attention is immediately grabbed by the radio.
She sits up and darts for the radio

Ticonderoga: Sampson is that you?!

Sampson: Who else would be using this channel?

Ticonderoga: Where the hell have you been? The fleet has been looking for you!!!

The girl said out of anger

Sampson: I've been doing important work, listen Ticon, I need a favor from you...

It was quiet in the mess deck, Hipper was sitting at one of the tables, her face was covered by a dark blue book. The silence was quickly broken, as the sound of those leather boots could be heard from over a mile away. There's no distinction about it. Those footsteps belonged to Sampson. He entered the door to the mess deck, directly behind Hipper just a few tables back. He noticed the blonde-haired girl sitting at the table.

Sampson: Well what are you doing down here by yourself?

Sampson poured fresh coffee into two cups.

Hipper didn't respond, she hid the book out of sight.

Sampson couldn't see her face, as the coffee machine was also behind her.

Sampson walked over and sat down across from Hipper.

Sampson: Nothing? Just sitting here staring at the wall?

Hipper looked at him with no response

Sampson: Alright

Sampson got up to pick up both cups of coffee, made his way out of the mess deck and walked through the halls of the ship

Hipper: Crimson Lane...

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