Yoi Senshi

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Eugen stared at Shoukaku, who stood there with her blue katana, which she'd just used to cut the Siren's knife in half. The Siren, who was absolutely infuriated, looked at Shoukaku with an enraged expression.

?: Rgh! TRAITOR!!!

Shoukaku: Shut up

Shoukaku says to the Siren as she kicks her back several yards. The Siren lands on her feet and looks at Shoukaku with gritting teeth.

Zuikaku: Come on, this way!

Zuikaku showed up with Takao and Atago. They stopped in surprise, seeing Shoukaku take a stance, facing the Siren.

Zuikaku: Is she fighting her?

Takao: We should keep a close eye

Atago: Agreed


?: Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to fight?!

The Siren said in a pissed-off tone.

Shoukaku: Enough is enough "Eradicator", I'm sick of your shit

Shoukaku looked back at Eugen and said...

Shoukaku: Go, check on your friend and make sure he's alright

Eugen pulled herself together and nodded her head.

Eugen: Why is she helping us? Didn't she betray everyone?

Eugen thought to herself as she turned around and ran to Sampson.

Takao: What are they talking about?

Atago: I have no idea, I can barely hear them

Zuikaku: It's probably best we stay here, if they're fighting it could get dangerous

Shoukaku then charges at the Siren.

Eradicator: What a bold move to charge me head on!

She charges at Shoukaku full speed, appearing invisible to the eye. Shoukaku swings her katana in the direction of the Siren. Immediately, sparks flew into the air as she scraped the Siren's cannons.

Eradicator: Interesting, a traitor like you can predict my moves so easily

The Siren says as she charges at Shoukaku again.

Shoukaku: I've been around you long enough to know what you'll do

Shoukaku says as she positions her katana to her side with both hands.

Shoukaku: You'll charge me head-on, attempting to kick me in the stomach

She says as she swings her katana, attempting to hit the Siren's neck. But it is blocked yet again by her cannons.

Shoukaku: Then once that fails, you'll turn around and try to shoot me with your cannons

Shoukaku says as the Siren blasts her laser cannons at her. She dodges the laser blasts by swiftly moving to her left. She quickly dashes at the Siren in the blink of an eye, swinging her katana for her neck. The Siren dodges the quick swing and backs up far away.

Shoukaku: And once I'm close enough for an attack, you'll try to gain some distance because you know I am capable of cutting you with my blade

Eradicator: Very well done, shall I reward you with a trophy or a gold star?

Shoukaku: What I want is your head

Eradicator: Then go ahead Yoi Senshi! Come and get it!

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