Guardians Of Humanity

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Maelstrom: EHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

The Siren laughed as she watched the whirlpool grow bigger inside the dome. Washington looked over at Essex. She could tell just by looking at her, that she was about to do something. Essex closes her eyes, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Suddenly, the angry eyes on the black skull decal displayed on the front of her carrier deck's hull started to glow in bright white light. They were so bright, they were blinding to look at. She opened her eyes, which were also glowing in white light, hidden behind her sunglasses. She aimed all of her guns and missile launchers in multiple different directions.

Essex: This will put a lot of strain on my body, but I can handle it


Everything she had began firing at the dome as the whirlpool grew bigger and faster. All of the rounds she fired were glowing white, as well as even her missiles. The rounds and missiles continued to blast the dome, as she gave it everything she had.


They were extremely loud when impacting the dome. Like a huge bomb exploding, rocking and vibrating the surface and dome around them.

Maelstrom: You can struggle all you want, BUT YOU'RE NOT GETTING OU-


The Siren was interrupted by the dome suddenly exploding into thin air as an F/A-18 and an AH-1 flew out of the smoke. 

Maelstrom: WHAT?!

As the smoke cleared, Essex could be seen standing tall, while Washington was laying on the ground. The F/A-18 she summoned caused her to collapse completely. Essex looked over at Washington, who was looking up at her.

Washington: Go on, finish her

Essex: I was already planning on that, geese, do you even know me?

Washington: Heheh...normally I'd discipline you for disrespecting me like that, but I'll let it slide this time

Essex: Heh

Essex looks at the Siren with a glare. Her eyes weren't glowing white anymore, but the angry eyes of the skull on the hull of her carrier deck were still glowing white.


Essex: If it was impossible, then explain why I'm standing here now, confronting you

Maelstrom: JUST SHUT UP AND DIE!!!

The Siren yelled as she charged at Essex.

Essex: You honestly think you can kill me?

Essex said with a grin as she charged at the Siren.

Eradicator: Haa...I'll say she put up a decent fight, against an opponent who wasn't even going all out

The Siren said with an evil smile as she looked down upon the group.

Eradicator: So, you must be Yoi Senshi's sister, Huh?

Zuikaku, who was still on her knees, holding Shoukaku's lifeless hand, looked up at the Siren with an infuriated expression, with tears still traveling down her face.

Eradicator: So tell me, how does it feel to be blown to bits!!!

She yelled as she fired a bunch of small Siren missiles down at Zuikaku. Eugen looked back at Sampson, who she had resting in her arms while sitting on the watery surface. She noticed him suddenly lean forward with his eyes closed, exhaling calmly. He suddenly slammed his foot and fist on the water, igniting a small ring of red fire around him. He launched forward faster than the speed of lightning, leaving behind a trail of red flames.

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