Sword To A Gunfight

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Sampson opened his eyes. It was quiet, with the faint sound of buzzing halogen lights on the tiled ceiling.
Belfast looked over at Sampson as she was tidying up the room.

Belfast: Well good morning Admiral Sampson, glad to see you're finally awake

Sampson: Why can't I feel my hand?

He raised his left arm and could see what appeared to be a very high-tech mechanical robotic hand of some kind attached to his arm.

Sampson: Well that's just great

He said sarcastically.

Belfast: You lost your hand when you were struck by those torpedoes, you are quite lucky to be alive

Sampson: Oh yeah that's what happened

He looked over at Belfast.

Sampson: How long have I been out?

Belfast: You've been like this for three weeks, your friends have been worried about you

Sampson: They don't have to worry anymore, and can you get this goddamn tube out of my arm

Belfast: You're not fully recovered, you need to work on your physical health, and we need to get you situated with your new hand Mister Jones made for you

Sampson: I'll be fine

He said as he ripped the tube out of his arm.

Belfast: Admiral!

Sampson: I said I'll be fine, I'm not a human...I'm a guided missile destroyer for crying out loud


She stopped and stared at him as he got up.

Belfast: Very well then, you have a new change of clothes on that chair there, from Miss Ticonderoga.. I'll exit the room while you change

Belfast walked away, opening the door, and closing it behind her.

Sampson: Stupid hospitals, always making patients wear these dumbass clothes

He said to himself as he took off the patient gown, and threw it on the bed.

Sampson: I'd rather other people not see my ass while I walk down the hallway with a nurse

Ione: Hehehehe

Sampson: What are you laughing at?

Ione: Nothing at all

Sampson: So you get mad when I joke around, but you find it funny when I'm pissed

Ione: Pretty much

Sampson shook his head with a smile as he pulled up his bootcut jeans to his waist, and clipped his golden buckle to his leather belt. As he picked up his shirt, he could hear the door open, he looked over and saw Eugen walk in.

Eugen: Hey-..oh, wow

She said as she started to blush.

Sampson: What?

Eugen: I-it's nothing at all!

She said as she stared at Sampson's body.

Sampson: You didn't have a problem with it when we spent that night on my ship

Eugen: Stop stealing my words!

Sampson: What, "you didn't have a problem with it"?

Eugen: Yes!

Sampson: Oh yeah I remember why you said that now

He said as he put his shirt on, and began trying to button it up.

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