First Strike

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Sampson lay in his bed with his eyes closed. He wasn't asleep. But he was thinking about something. He was thinking about the conversation he had with Ione over the change in his eye color.

Sampson: Geese, what a mess, what do I do, how do I fix this?!

Ione: Sam, please calm down

Sampson: Ione, did I use the ability that much?

Ione: I am afraid so, and because of how much you stressed the ability, it seems it is beginning to destabilize

Sampson: Is there a way I can undo this? What do I do?

Ione: I am afraid there is nothing that can be done

Sampson: So what, I'm just stuck like this now?

Ione: Now that I think about it, there is one way

Sampson: What is it?

Ione: The only way this can be fixed is if you were able to resonate your soul with your mental cube..but no ship has ever done that before

Sampson: What? Like synchronization? How would that even work?

Ione: The process of resonation between the ship's soul and mental cube, allows them total control over the power's stability


Ione: By clearing your thoughts and all distractions around you, you can focus on the source of destabilization

Sampson: How can I do this?

Ione: The process is very would have to get it right on the first try, if you were to fail it, then it could very well kill you


Ione: I cannot make your choices for you

Sampson: Then there is nothing I can is too risky, I cannot die now,  I must stay alive for the war, and for my people

Sampson opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. A clock next to him began beeping. He took a deep breath and got up. He stood up out of bed and put on his hat and new sunglasses.

Sampson: It is time

A few minutes later, at the port, in front of Sampson's ship. Shipgirls sat in rows of chairs. In front of them, was a podium with a microphone.

Helena: Please rise for the United States Eagle Union Navy Admiral Sampson

Every shipgirl in each row stood up tall, staring straight ahead. Sampson's boots clicked and thumped as he walked up to the wooden podium. He stood before the microphone, taking a deep breath.

Sampson: You may be seated

He said through the echoing microphone. Every shipgirl then sat back down in their chairs, staring at Sampson.

Sampson: It has come to my attention, that a few P.O.W.s are being seriously punished for crimes committed against the Azur Lane

He said calmly.

Sampson: Since there is no court for these ships to be tried in, I figured I'd do it right here, though this may not be a court session, I have a few things to say before they are put through such punishment

Everyone listened to the words coming out of his mouth.

Sampson: In the years I've been a ship, I achieved my first commanding rank 7 years into my service

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