Sooner Than Expected

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The sky shined in bright blue over the base. It had been one week since the completion of Operation Sea Thunder. This time, everyone would be meeting in the conference room on Sampson's destroyer. It was a room with a long table with black, leather chairs on all sides of it. Sampson, along with Washington, Ethan, Eugen, and Guiyang, would be meeting with Enterprise, Hornet, Wales, Hood, Bismarck, Nagato, and Elizabeth. They occupied every chair around the table, with Sampson sitting on the far end.

Bismarck: The operation was a great success

Wales: A success it was indeed

Nagato: So what would be the next course of action?

Ethan: We have the Advanced Sirens by their throats now, which means we can crush and twist them any way we please

Guiyang: As long as it kills 'em

Guiyang said as she looked over at Ethan, who was sitting to her right.

Washington: They'll be begging for mercy

Sampson: Mercy isn't what we'll be giving them

Everyone looked over at Sampson as he took his cowboy hat off, placing it upside down on the table. He leans forward, interlacing his hands as he props his elbows on the table.

Sampson: We crush the Sirens by taking a stab at the Siren who's behind the whole operation, take them out and the war ends

Eugen: But do we have any idea where we could find them?

Sampson: I have no clue

Wales: Huh?

They all looked at him in confusion.

Sampson: But one thing is for sure, if there's anything we know about the Sirens, it's that they hate it when we win, after the ass-beating we just laid on them I suspect they'll come to us

Ethan: And when they do, they won't come alone

Enterprise: So we will be prepared for them

Guiyang: Right, we'll strike as soon as they show their ugly faces

Guiyang said with a confident smile.

Ethan: We should step up the base defenses as well, I'm thinking we contact our base and have them send us some counter rocket, artillery mortars

Sampson: Can't, the communications device only has one use left in it, I'm saving it for when this is all over

Ethan: Why didn't they provide us with one?

Sampson: The device took quite some time to create, it's not something that can be mass-produced by a machine

Ethan: So then what will the defenses for the base be?

Sampson looked at Ethan and said...

Sampson: We are the defense

After the meeting, Sampson stopped by the training facility. He was in an observatory, watching as Cleveland and her official Special Operations Team, moved through a wooden training complex in the center of the large room. Practicing and getting better, so they would be a better fit for their new role.

Jones: Busy day for them, huh sir?

Sampson looks back, seeing Jones walk up to him.

Sampson: Yeah, they're determined, Cleveland especially, that's what makes her so fit for this tea

He said as he turned back around, looking out the observatory's glass.

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