The Rising Sun

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It is a clear and sunny day out. The seas are calm, and morale is high. This time, the fleet has been requested by Enterprise herself, to deploy into the Central Pacific, near the Midway islands. As a conversation began on the communications radio between ships.

Ford: Jones anything on radar?

Jones: Negative sir

Ford: There are a group of Siren ships lurking around somewhere...that's why we're here

Ford sat in his chair on the bridge of his carrier. He watched as F-35s launched off the catapults, and the E-2 tearing down the flight deck at high speed. Its loud engines and propellers shook the entire carrier. Lifting off with its disk-shaped radar dome spinning.

The F-35s climbed into the sky, flying in formation as they patrolled the skies. They roared, at high speeds.

Sampson: Were getting close to the pinpointed geographical coordinates, I don't see a sign of Siren life anywhere, perhaps we were late

Burke: We are fighting Sirens from our world, they could have cloaking technology for all we know

Ford: Spare me your sci-fi theories, Burke

Burke: I'm just saying!

Ticonderoga: After what we've seen, cloning tech and whatnot, invisibility doesn't seem like much of a stretch

Burke: See, someone gets it!

Ford: The Sirens that we were sent here to deal with are supposed to be Sirens from this era

Sampson: So the typical mass-produced fleet?

Ford: That's pretty much what it is...

Jones: Well would ya look at that on our port side!

Sampson looked through a pair of binoculars to see what was out there.

Ford: The Midway islands

Sampson: It's nothing but a historical sight in our world.

Jones: There's a naval air facility there, people say it's still operating right now

Sampson: You'd think the Sirens would've destroyed everything on the islands, but it seems like they don't know it exists

Ticonderoga: Maybe they didn't care much for Midway?

Sampson: No...the Sirens are terrorists...their goal is to destroy humanity...that place bustles with human life

Ford: That's right, and were the ones stopping them

Jones: If you think about it...we're not really a fleet

Ford: Now that you mention it...we are a pretty small group aren't we

Jones: There are not even enough ships to call this a carrier strike group

Ford: about.."carrier task force"

Jones: That could work...we are an armed group organized for a special operation

Sampson: I like it

Sam stopped speaking over the radio, he put the speaker back and talked to himself.

Sampson: Man...I wish Eugen could've come along...

Ione: That's the girl with the long white hair right?

Sampson was startled. He forgot Ione even existed.

Sampson: God are you trying to give me a heart attack?!

Ione: Oh stop overreacting

Sampson picked up his glass of whiskey and sipped from it.

Sampson: What do you want?

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