Vice Admiral

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The sun rose over the clear morning sky, the ships could be seen pulling over the horizon.

As hundreds of shipgirls, even ones from different factions, stood on the concrete docks at the port, cheering on the ships as they pulled into Pearl Harbor.

Members of Iron Blood and Royal Navy stood in the crowd with all the Azur Lane members, to cheer on the warriors of their faction.

Sampson stood on his deck in silence, staring at the crowd.

He could hear some of the shipgirls yelling his name.

Some could be heard cheering on Ford and even Jones.

Eugen stood on the deck of her ship.
She was smiling, as she saw her Iron Blood friends cheering her and Hipper on.
Eugen glanced over in a different direction. She saw a very familiar battleship sitting in port. Flying its Iron Blood flag, standing on its deck. A woman dressed in black with a naval commander's hat.

Eugen's heart sank when she realized who it was.

Eugen: Oh shit...

The ships pulled into the ports, where the shipgirls crowded the docks to greet the warriors who had just won a big battle.

Burke's ship towed Ticonderoga's cruiser. When he got off his ship, shipgirls made a pathway.

They stopped cheering, as they were sad from the sight they'd seen. Some were completely shocked.

As Burke and Jones walked down the dock, with Ticonderoga in a stretcher. They could see her blood through the white bandaging she had wrapped around her torso.

Some of the ship girls looked at her in horror, as Burke and Jones carried her by. Headed toward the medical building that was almost fully operational.

The same happened for the Royal Navy girls awaiting their friends.

They were sad, when they saw Cleveland, Columbia, Alabama, and Denver, carrying two stretchers that held Edinburgh and George, who were unconscious.

And were shocked when they saw Belfast, Ark, and Wales walking down the docks, with York nowhere to be seen.

Some of the ship girls looked at her in horror, as Burke and Jones carried her by. Headed toward the medical building that was almost fully operational.

Hundreds of shipgirls stood on the docks at the big gray destroyer with the white hull number "102"

The shipman stepped off the deck of his destroyer and onto the concrete dock. Shipgirls made way for him as they cheered his name.

Sampson didn't seem to be fazed by it. He just kept walking with a blank face. He stumbled around, as he tried to walk forward.

Shipgirls started to quiet down and eventually stopped cheering. Sampson fell over and passed out on the concrete dock. Some shipgirls freaked out. Others ran up to him to see if he was okay.

It was quiet and dark.

Sampson opened his eyes, he knew they were open, but it didn't feel like they were.

He was in the pitch-black void again.

Looking around for a light, or any sign of the woman.

He heard the old piano and trombone playing slowly, off in the distance.

He paced around quietly, looking in all directions. Looking for anything.

Then, he heard the loud noise of a light turning on behind him.

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