Operation Bunker Buster

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Shipgirls stood in rows at the port, all standing before Enterprise, who was up on a podium. Giving out a speech to every shipgirl there. The task force was also up on the podium with Enterprise. They all formally stood in a straight line.

Enterprise: For the last three weeks our friends here have scouted the island of Lehua using their advanced drones!

She said out loud as she walked back and forth.

Enterprise: We have confirmed there is a cave entrance leading to a deep underground bunker run by Sirens...we expect you to do your job and complete this sensitive task without error!

Columbia stared at Jones, who was standing next to Ethan on the podium. She didn't take her eyes off him for a second.

Enterprise: You will be moving out shortly, Sampson will be in command during this operation, so I expect you to follow his orders!

She yelled as she stopped and looked at the shipgirls with a serious expression.

Enterprise: Now, everyone! Prepare for deployment!

After leaving the port and sailing for a good five hours, the task force would be accompanied by nine other Eagle Union ships. Cleveland, Columbia, Denver, Montpelier, Alabama, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Arizona, and a California. Unfortunately, Prinz Eugen and Hipper weren't on this mission, as they were called back to Iron Blood for important business.

Cape met with Sampson on board his destroyer. Standing by the main gun at the forward deck.

Cape: The sea is pretty calm today

She said as she looked over at the sea on the starboard side.

Sampson: Yeah it is

He said as he looked at Cape.

Sampson: So, that device you were talking about, what does it do?

Cape: Oh yeah that!

She pulls out the weird device again. It looked like a futuristic monocle. Or one of those cool sci-fi gun sights that the protagonist would wear on their eye.
It had a weird black frame with blue lenses.

Cape: Would you like a demonstration?

Sampson: Go ahead

Cape: Okay

She says as she puts the device on her right eye. She then lowers her hands, looking at Sampson.

Sampson: Is it a monocle or something?

Cape: Try to punch me

Sampson: What? I'm not gonna do that!

Cape: Just try it, trust me, as fast as you can!

Sampson: I'm not going to hit you!

Cape: Just do it! Trust me!

Sampson: Are you sure about this?

Cape: Yes, now try it!

She says with a smile. Sampson plans to swing a punch at her, but stop before his fist makes contact with her. He sighs, praying she'll at least dodge or deflect it if he accidentally ends up actually hitting her. He looks at her, and without hesitating, he throws up his right fist. He swings so fast, that it's almost unnoticeable. Instantly, Cape leans her head to the right, avoiding his fist completely. Still smiling at him with her hands behind her back. He was surprised by what he saw.

Sampson: That's incredible, you actually dodged that

He says as he lowers his right arm.

Cape: Yep!

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