North Sea

86 4 0

In a quiet room, with tall windows, curtains folded away, the room well lit with sunlight. A square tile wood floor, with a desk against the wall. On the other side of the room, was a bed big enough for two people. Against the wall, in between the tall windows. With gray side tables.

Sampson opened his eyes, staring straight up at the ceiling. He looked to his left, next to him was Eugen, still fast asleep, covered by a thick blanket. Her long white hair was spread out everywhere.

He slowly sat up and looked around. Noticing clothing everywhere. His hat was flipped upside down on the desk across the room. His shirt was also laying on the floor.

Sampson: She showed me her living quarters...

He said under his breath. He slowly got out of bed, putting his square-toe cowboy boots on, and bringing his blue denim jeans up to cover the top half of the boots. He picked up his shirt, and put it on, buttoning it up and tucking it in.

He walked over to the desk and picked up his hat. Looking at it for a moment, then put it on. He quietly walked over to a table with a bottle of red wine on it, and an unfinished glass of red wine he left from last night. He picked up the glass, and sipped the wine, staring out one of the windows to see a bright sunny sky.

Sampson: I'm gonna need some whiskey to wash this crap down

He said as he reacted to the odd taste of the wine. He set the glass back down and walked over to Eugen. Staring at her for a moment. Then he lightly kissed her on her forehead and quietly walked away to the door. Putting his hands on the door handle, he looked back at Eugen, who was still asleep.

He then opened the door and quietly walked out, closing the door behind him.

Everyone sat at an outdoor bar, serving morning meals. Struggling to understand what the menus even said.

Ticonderoga: I'm telling you I have no clue what these menus are saying..what the hell is an "apfelkuchen"?!

Burke: It's a breakfast dish

Ticonderoga: Uh no shit

Jones: Should've just got something from the mess decks

Ticonderoga: What, and eat the same boring plate of eggs you have every morning?

Burke: Sam speaks German doesn't he?

Ticonderoga: Yeah, but he was gone all night

Jones: Who knows where he is now

Burke: I'm pretty sure everyone here speaks German

Ticonderoga: Feels weird asking them what all this means

Ticon looked over at Ford, who was already ordering. She had no idea what he was saying, the only word she could pick out from his sentence was "apfelkuchen".

Ticonderoga: WHAT, you speak German and you never said anything!

Ford: Took you long enough

Ticonderoga: Ford I should strangle you!!

Burke and Jones listened as Ticon yelled incoherently at Ford, with occasional name-calling.

Jones: She really needs to work on her temper

He said as he looked at Burke.

Burke: Uuuuh...

Jones: She's behind me isn't she...

He said in a frightened voice.

Ticonderoga: Say that again four eyes

She said in a stern voice. He could feel her eyes piercing the back of his head. It almost looked like she had shark-like teeth.

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