Proud Determined Hopeful

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The battle that originated in the center of the base, expanded out to the ocean. More Sirens started to appear. Along with Advanced Siren ships too. The sounds of planes crashing into the ocean, gunshots, and explosions filled the ears of every shipgirl and Siren.

Denver: Cleveland give me a diversion!

Cleveland: Got it!

Ark: Damn, our planes can't do anything!

Their piston-engine planes turned into falling fireballs as they were blasted out of the sky by Advanced Siren planes.

Hornet: Damn!

Burke was able to knock out a few Siren planes with missiles. But most used countermeasures to distract the pursuing missiles. His ciws did pretty well, buzzing Siren aircraft and knocking them out of the sky. Planes fired missiles back at Burke as he dashed on the water. But they were unsuccessful as he popped chaff, diverting the missiles and detonating them.

Alabama and Massachusetts were focused on the Siren fleet. Hammering at Siren ships with their main guns. Everyone was fighting something. A Siren, a ship, or an aircraft.

Brooklyn: Come on, we cannot lose this! We must win this battle! For my sister!

She yells out loud, firing every single one of her guns simultaneously, shooting down a Siren from the sky.

Wales: Don't stop! If we lose now we lose it all!

Columbia: Cleveland! Five o'clock!

Cleveland spun around to a Siren firing four beams of purple lasers in her direction. She dodge the lasers as they crossed over her position, and responded by firing her main guns at the Siren. The Siren was immediately blown to bits.

Denver: Geese, they just don't stop coming!

More portals started to open, allowing more Siren ships and planes to enter the battlefield.

Columbia: Those damn portals!

Hornet: Columbia! On your six!

Columbia spun around to see a Siren plane diving on her position. Flying in fast about to fire its guns. Columbia raised her guns, aiming at the plane. But then...

Jones: RAAH!!!

Jones let out as he jumped in the air, firing his main gun. He blasted the plane out of the sky. Columbia stared at Jones's face. The sun reflected off his glasses while he gritted his teeth. He landed his feet on the water directly in front of Columbia.

Jones: Are you alright?

Columbia stared at him, unresponsive. Her eyes sparkled and glistened as she watched him looking back at her.

Jones: Uuh...

She quickly snapped out of it.

Columbia: Y-yeah I'm fine! Look out!

Jones turned around, seeing a Siren aiming their laser cannons at him. His ciws quickly locked on and unleashed a short burst, striking the Siren and splattering blood everywhere.

?: GAH!!!

Jones jumped in the air and brutally kicked the Siren in the face. Columbia watched him as he fought hard.

Columbia: Wow!

Cleveland: Columbia pay attention!

Columbia looked over at Cleveland who was yelling at her.

Columbia: Huh? Oh yeah!

Cleveland: Geese!

Columbia got her head back in the game and continued to fight. Blasting Sirens out of the sky.

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