The Battle Titan

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?: We're in..grave danger

Sampson glared through his windows at something never seen before.

Eugen and Hipper could not believe what they were seeing.

Ford saw what Sampson was seeing as well.

Ford: God help us...

Ticonderoga also saw what Ford and Sampson were seeing, as well as Burke and Jones. She gasped.

It was silent. Nobody could believe what they were seeing. What they were seeing?

Emerging from the fog. A massive, black silhouette, decorated with strange red neon markings.

It was twice the size of Ford's carrier in length and width. And twice as tall as an Iowa class battleship. It was ominous. Bearing ten large main energy guns, five on its forward deck, and five on the aft deck.

Twenty smaller secondary energy guns. And fifty advanced anti-aircraft guns.

It came to a complete stop, directly in front of the fleet.

Before anyone knew it, it trained all of its guns to aim toward the fleet

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Before anyone knew it, it trained all of its guns to aim toward the fleet.

A long moment of silence was broken

Sampson yelled on the radio.



The massive beast fired its guns, pounding at the fleet. Explosions were everywhere, and the water splashed. It was loud.

Enterprise heard the noise, she became alarmed.

She ran to her radio and spoke to Hornet's fleet on the opposite end of the fleet.

Enterprise: Hornet!... The enemy is here, we must go help the fleet now!

Hornet: Got it, let's go!


Enterprise: What?!

Siren planes dropped bombs near the fleet and mass-produced ships emerged from the fog, interfering with Enterprise and Hornet's fleet before they could move.

Denver: Looks like we have our own problems now

Enterprise: Let's take care of this quickly!

Denver: You got it!

The two fleets glowed with blue light, and the shipgirls transformed into their rigging modes.

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