It Gets Worse From Here

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Back in the same conference room at the base. Everyone conversed over the completion of the mission. Or rather the failure.

Ford: It just doesn't make sense...

Sampson: While we did uncover that they were creating Advanced Sirens in a factory on the island...there was no sign of a "ship killer" anywhere

Elizabeth: And what about that facility?

Sampson: We destroyed it...they won't be making any more Sirens there

Burke: We destroyed the entire base...

Wales: What happened?

Ford: see...

Sampson: While confirming that there was nothing special, and leaving the underground factory..we all evacuated the base, as Ford dropped a large-scale airstrike on the entire facility...the explosions from the bombs he dropped caused most of the base to cave into the large factory underground

Burke: Delta managed to search one of the buildings on base...collecting some data that suggests a large portal could have indeed been built somewhere in the world

Hood: Any idea about its whereabouts?

Sampson: That's the problem...the data they collected shows no trace of a location or any geographical coordinates

Enterprise: And it's not like we can search every country in the world...

Hood: would be seen as an act of aggression if we were to enter another country without granted permission

Sampson: Especially Rus-...the USSR

Burke: What still troubles me..why would the Chinese work with Sirens?

Sampson: I'm honesty not surprised...the Chinese would do anything to bring us down, they're so intimidated by our military power

Hood: You seem to have a bad relationship with China in your world

Ford: Oh our world, the United States is the world superpower..and China wants to surpass us, and become the better world superpower

Burke: And they think they can do it by making bad copies of our military weapons

Ford: Let's not get sidetracked..we should get back to the task at hand...we must find this device they're building...Sampson, perhaps you could do reconnaissance at the Midway Atoll again?..maybe we missed something....huh?

Sam turned his head to his left and looked out the windows. Still standing at the coffee table, he stared for a long time.

Burke: Sir?

Everyone looked at him. They were all confused, wondering what was going through Sam's mind.



Ione: Sam!!!

Sampson: INCOMING!!!

He yelled as he turned quickly. Suddenly, windows started to explode, shattered glass flew everywhere, as the walls blew inward. It was a loud crash, knocking everyone back, causing them to fall over.

Sampson was blown over as he ducked down, his hat flew off, landing on the floor in front of him. It all happened very quickly. He lifted his head, looking around at the mess. The coffee table was destroyed, couches were flipped, shipgirls were rolling and moving around, and trying to recover from what just happened. Sampson looked over at Eugen, who was looking at him. They both looked over at the Chinese shipgirl as she started to get up on her feet, quickly running away on her injured foot.

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