A War to Wage

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?: Agh! Damnit!!!

??: Ehahahahahahahaha!

??: What's wrong, giving up already? Im starting to get bored

The Siren fired a blast of lasers at a shipgirl who had already been injured. They barely dodged the attack. She was totally exhausted, and yet there was a large amount of Sirens engaging just her alone.

?: Damnit, I have...no more...fight in me...

She said as she struggled.

?: But I cannot give up, not, now...

The shipgirl slowly begins to stand up, struggling in the process. The Siren fired again, with the shipgirl responding by barely dodging it once more, and returning fire. It is unsuccessful as the Siren dodges it with ease. While the other Sirens watch from the back with horrible smiles on their faces. It's almost as if they were amused by the shipgirl in a weakened state.

The shipgirl being filled with exhaustion, continues to dodge Siren attacks left and right. Barely even getting the opportunity to fire back. As she moves and jumps around, she finally manages to get a few more shots off, blasting a Siren out of the air.

?: I can...do this...come on...

She dashes forward, blasting shots at the floating Sirens, catching two off guard as they were dropped from the sky.

?: COME ON!!!

She yelled as she jumped into the air, kicking a Siren in the side of the face, knocking them a few feet away. She fired more shots at another Siren. The Siren dodged the shots easily as they flew into the shipgirl delivering a punch to their stomach

?: AGH!

She fell from the sky, landing on her back. She struggled to recover, as she rolled over, getting on her hands and knees to further recover. As she slowly got up, a Siren was moving in for a close-up attack. The shipgirl dodges it, but the Siren quickly turns around and strikes a nasty kick to the shipgirl's back.

?: GAH!!

The shipgirl falls forward, attempting to recover. Her arms were shaking, and she could barely move as she gasped for air.

?: Damnit...where are you, sister...

The Siren laughs horrifically

??: You ships seem to be getting weaker...or I am just getting stronger, either way, looks like this is where your journey ends!

As the Siren was charging her laser cannons, an explosion catches their attention. One of the mass-produced Siren ships was struck by something. Causing a massive explosion on the ship's deck.

??: What was that?!

The Siren said furiously

There was a white trail of smoke of some kind in the sky. The shipgirl traced the smoke trail left in the sky. She was left confused as the trail went over the horizon. What just hit that ship? She saw incoming projectiles propelled by fire and white smoke from the horizon. They came in fast, striking the mass-produced Siren ships, causing total destruction to them.

There were loud explosions everywhere. The mass-produced ships began to tip over, as their red neon lighting and markings faded away. The shipgirl was looking over the horizon, in search of something.
She then saw a silhouette of what appeared to be a large ship in the very distance. She saw those projectiles coming from it. The projectiles were indeed coming from that ship.
As the ship got closer, it started to look weird to her. Nothing like she's ever seen before.

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