The Fleet of the Future

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The following day, Sampson, Eugen, and Hipper sat at an outdoor diner. Where they ate breakfast together

Ticonderoga: Of all the years we've known each other, I never knew you were into German girls!

Sampson looked to his right, his face lit up with a smile

Sampson: Hey Ticon, good to see you!

Ticonderoga hugged Sampson. Sampson then looked back at Eugen and Hipper and said...

Sampson: This is Ticonderoga, she's my sister

Hipper: You have a sister?!

Eugen looked displeased and irritated, giving Ticon a devilish look

Ticonderoga: I know what your thinking, first of all, nice to meet you, second of all...He said were siblings!!!

Eugen: Right, and how do you know about us two?

Ticonderoga: Uh, duh! Everyone is talking about you two! Especially you Sam!

Sampson: What about me?

Ticonderoga: Ever since our big battle two days ago, you've been growing a reputation! People are starting to call you the "cowboy from hell"

Sampson: Cowboy from hell, not bad...I think I'll stick to it

Hipper: Please don't

Eugen: Cowboy from hell?

Eugen leaned over to Sampson and whispered into his ear

Eugen: I like it...

Hipper: Oh good god stop...

Ticonderoga: Anyway, gotta get back to work, see ya Sam!

Sampson: Take care Ticon

Ticonderoga walks away as she yells out of furious anger

Ticonderoga: Jones, Burke!! Get back to work!! Those buildings aren't gonna reconstruct themselves, you idiots!!!

They could hear Jones in the distance speaking out of fear of Ticon

Jones: AAH Sorry Ms. Ticonderoga!!

Eugen: So are they all your family?

Sampson: Ticon, Burke and Jones are my only siblings, me and Ford have been buddies since we first met each other when he was stationed at our base, but we treat each other like brothers

Sampson: They can be an annoying bunch...

Sam then smiles and says...

Sampson: But I don't know what I'd do without em!

Hipper: Seems like a cool sibling relationship

Sampson set down his cup of coffee

Sampson: Alright, y'all ready to head to the docks?

Eugen: It will be a splendid time

Hipper: Absolutely!

Sampson paid for the breakfast, and they all began their walk toward the docks.

At the docks, many shipgirls were walking around, admiring the beautiful modern ships from the future. Ford's carrier was so big, it could not fit into the small port.

It was almost like the ships were turned into a museum exhibit. Many were excited to have a look at the fascinating powerful sea titans.

On the deck of Ford's carrier, Enterprise, and Hornet were examining everything on board. Especially the aircraft.

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