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Sampson and Burke made their way to the chain link fences of the airfield. They examined the area and relayed information to Ford and the others. They would be identifying each other using call signs.

Sampson: Radio check, Bravo this is Zulu how copy?

Sampson said quietly

Ford: Copy Zulu

Sampson: We've made it to the South end of the field, there appear to be five closed aircraft hangars, and seven other buildings, be advised I'm seeing multiple shipgirls operating on-site, with their rigs out, we'll sweep through the hangars first

Ford: Copy, we'll sweep the main buildings and meet up on the North end of the field, any information as to why they have this airfield is crucial, look for any information

Sampson: Copy Bravo, Zulu is moving in

Sam nodded at Burke, they hopped over the fence and stealthily made their way to the first hangar on the west side of the field.

They got up against one of the outside walls of the hangar.

Sampson leaned to his right, peering through a window to count any possible shipgirls in the dark building.

It was full of cargo boxes stacked on top of each other.

Sampson then looked at Burke, nodding him to open the door they were next to. Burke slowly opened the door, pointing his tactical desert tan arm cannon through the doorway. With a flashlight mounted on the cannon, slowly waving it through the dark hangar.

They entered the hangar, sweeping the room for any shipgirls. They could hear the sounds of Zuikaku's planes finally flying over the island.

Sampson: We made it just in time

He quietly said to Burke

Burke: Let's search these boxes, we need any information that ties to this field and the Sakura Empire

They started opening crates of cargo, looking for anything related to the Sakura Empire and the naval air facility they were in.

They were finding nothing relevant, until.

Sampson: Holy mother of...

Sampson said as he looked into a cargo box with his flashlight.

Burke: What did you find?

Burke said as he moved over to Sam.

Burke: What the hell...

Inside the box were black mechanical parts glowing with yellow neon markings.

Sampson: Looks like Sakura Empire's back in the Siren business...

Sampson: Bravo we got Siren parts in the hangars

Ford: Copy Zulu we're still searching the main buildings

Burke: That makes no sense I thought they despised Sirens after what happened with Orochi

Sampson: There are just more and more mysteries, were gonna solve 'em...take some photos and we'll be on our way

Burke pulled out a camera and took photos of the Siren parts in the box. As they turned to exit the hangar through the door on the other side, they were caught off guard.

Standing there, with the door already open behind them, was one of the Sakuran shipgirls. She stood frozen in fear of the two. She looked innocent, as she stared at Burke and Sam with wide eyes.

Sampson: Hey, you're alright...we're not gonna hurt you...

He said as he slowly raised his hand. Slowly moving toward the frightened Sakura shipgirl.

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