Dangerous Waters

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Sampson woke up the next morning in his quarters on his ship. This is the first time Sampson has ever slept in his actual bed instead of his chair. Next to him, Eugen was fast asleep. He saw an empty bottle of whiskey on the side table. He could barely remember what happened last night, his memory was fogged from still waking up

Sampson sits there for a few minutes, in thought.
He slowly, and quietly gets out of bed and puts on his brown leather square-toe boots. He tucks in his white button-up shirt and re-tightens his belt. Then quietly exits the quarters.

A few minutes pass by, after walking down a few corridors, he opens the door to the mess decks, only to find Ford sitting at one of the tables, reading a terrible book from the 19th century.

Sampson: God you have terrible taste

Ford: You don't even read any books

Sampson: Your right, I read operation maps and orders

Sampson said as he walked over to the coffee maker against the wall on a cart, and poured two cups of coffee.

Ford: Is that other cup for me?

Ford said as he was looking up from his book.

Sampson sighed and grabbed a third cup.

Ford was smiling humorously.

Sampson: So what brings you aboard my ship this early morning?

Ford: We want to retrofit some of the shipgirls with new tech, to give us a better chance at fighting these new Sirens, since you're Rear Admiral, I think it is important I have your approval and your support

Sampson walks to the table with two cups of coffee and sits down.

Sampson: Absolutely not

Ford: W-why not Sam?

Sampson: You already told Eugen everything, you told everyone everything, made them promise not to document anything, you wanna ruin the future too? I'm not exactly excited to go home to flying cars and flying ships

Ford: You're not excited to go home at all

Ford grabs the cup of coffee and sips away, still reading the terrible book

Sampson: We just kicked the Sirens asses with no trouble at all, I don't think it's necessary to give them such tech

Ford closes the book and sets it down.

Ford: This was only the first taste of what the Sirens have, God knows what else they have, they could have a..damn ballistic missile

Sampson: They had missiles like that and they were barely faster than a four hundred kilometer per hour F4F Hellcat

Ford: What must be done must be do-

Sampson: With all due respect...Admiral Ford...Don't you think the future is more important than what is done now?

Ford was surprised. Sampson hasn't called him Admiral in a long time. If Sampson was calling him by rank before his name. Then it meant he truly was not happy with the idea that was brought to him.

Ford: Then what do you suggest?

Sampson: Let the future decide that


Sampson got up and finished his coffee, then turned and walked away. Picking up Eugen's cup on the way out of the mess deck.

Sampson: I'll let you get back to your awful book!

As he comes back, he opens the door to his quarters, where he found Eugen, awake and sitting up.

Sampson looks away as he says...

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