First Sight

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"Please do it fast. It's about time", Mr. Kim Seojoon whispered to his wife Mrs. Kim Taehee. "Can't just you shut your mouth! He will wake up", Mrs. Kim said. 

             They slowly opened the door and got into the room. They wished their sleeping son, " HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINNIE." Jin woke up with a scream and saw his parents holding a cake in their hands. He hugged his parents with a wide smile. "Thank you, Mom, dad. I thought that you all forgot. Btw where is my naughty brother? "

 Suddenly a hand grabbed Jin from behind which made Jin scream again. A boy with ethereal beauty came in front of Jin and hugged him,  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY hyung." Jin tightened the hug and said, "Thank you so much TaeTae ." "Ok, now stop with the drama and cut the cake already", Mrs. Kim said. That made both boys pout. Then Jin made a wish and cut the cake. "So, what do you want Jinnie as your gift?", Mr. Kim asked. Jin stayed silent for a moment and said with a smile, " I will let you know Dad but not now ." That made Mr. & Mrs. Kim a little bit confused but Taehyung giggled cause he knows what his brother wants.

In the morning the whole Kim mansion was in chaos. Everyone was busy with the preparation for the celebration. All responsibilities were given to Taehyung and he was the main reason for the chaos. He needed everything perfect. Cause this is not an ordinary celebration. Many VIPs would attend the celebration party. So, he was stressing out. 

Taehyung: "Jimin, I think can't do it. My head is just aching as it'll blast at any time"

Jimin: "Aggghhhh. Why are you stressing out?"

Taehyung: " I don't know why Dad gave me this important responsibility."

Jimin: "Cause he knows you are the best. You are the beauty catcher who can blow anyone's mind. So, don't stress me out also. Btw Hoseok hyung is coming within 1 hour."

Taehyung signed in relief, "Finally our happy pill is coming."

After 1 hour 

 Hoseok entered the Kim mansion & saw Jin in the hall room. He ran towards Jin and hugged him. "Now you got time for me! It's about noon", said Jin releasing Hoseok from the hug. "Hyung I'm sorry. I suddenly messed with my routine. Look what I got for our most beautiful omega," said Hoseok taking out a beautiful bouquet of roses. Jin took the bouquet and said, " Thank you so much Hobi. But you have to take care of those 2 fools."

Hoseok laughed and went to the garden seeing Jimin and Tae doing the preparations. Realizing his presence, Jimin & Tae both jumped on him. "Finally you came, hyung. This bastard is sulking from the morning", said Jimin pointing at Taehyung. Taehyung whined and said "Hyung, please help me. I can't find any confidence in me."

Hoseok: "Idiot. What happened to our most confident and sassy boy? Huh! "

Jimin: "Sassy my ass."

Taehyung glared at him and Jimin rolled his eyes.

Jimin: "BTW Hyung, are your friends coming? Will Joonie hyung come?"

Hoseok: "Not sure about it. If the Jeons attend the party he will come. Tae, are they coming?"

Taehyung checked his phone and said, "Yes, they will come  & Mr. Jeon's son will also attend the party."

Hoseok: "WHAT!! Mr. Jeon's son will also attend!! When did he come back?"

Taehyung: "You know him hyung?!!! I didn't even know that Mr. Jeon has a son. He never mentioned his son whenever he came to our home. Dad also didn't tell me."

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