What He Wants

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Jungkook & Taehyung got up instantly seeing their hyungs.

Jungkook: Hyung-

Yoongi: Taehyung, can we talk with Jungkook alone?

Taehyung beamed and thanked Yoongi in mind. Taehyung said goodbye to Namjoon & Yoongi. He didn't forget to glare at Jungkook before leaving.

When Taehyung left, Yoongi started. "Jungkook! Are you crazy?"

Jungkook: What happened?

Yoongi: How could you make Taehyung the owner of the project?! Besides, The company will give the finance?!!

Jungkook: So what? I'm just transferring my shares to Taehyung.

Yoongi became speechless seeing the whipped ass. He asked, "Are the all Busan people crazy over their love?!"

Jungkook: Huh?

Namjoon shook his head seeing Jungkook's stupidity. He tapped Yoongi's shoulder to calm him down and went close to Jungkook. He sat on the couch and made also Jungkook sit.

Namjoon: Do you love him?

Jungkook blushed. Yoongi rolled his eyes seeing the tomato. "Can't you notice his tomato face? He becomes this whenever he hears the name of Taehyung." Jungkook pouted.

Namjoon: I saw. But Kook, you have to admit it by yourself. Do you love him?

Jungkook became quiet. He thought for some moments then let out, "Maybe... " Yoongi sighed and Namjoon chuckled.

Namjoon: Still confused?

Jungkook: I don't know. Whenever he comes close my heart starts to beat fast... Maybe I l-lo-lo-... I Like him.

Namjoon sighed and spoke, "So, you're trying to impress him?"

Jungkook: ......

Namjoon: If he gets to know that you transferred your shares to him, he'll going to peel you alive.

Jungkook frowned and asked why.

Namjoon: He'll think you think low of him and he is nothing more than money. *Giggled* These Kim brothers are truly a thing.
Suddenly Namjoon became gloomy. Yoonkook knew the reason.

Jungkook: Jin hyung-
Namjoon: Let's not talk about us. So, if you want to impress this Kim, don't think big things. Try to catch small things that he wants. Think. Maybe any day Taehyung has told you something that he wants.

Jungkook closed his eyes. He tried to roam to every corner of his memory with Taehyung. Finally, He got a glimpse of a lovely moment.


Flashback (Amusement Park)

Jungkook rolled his eyes when Taehyung dragged him to the counter of candyfloss. He was acting like a kid wanting something from his Daddy.

Jungkook couldn't hide his chuckle seeing this cute baby. He ordered two candy flosses. They were enjoying the flosses while talking about the rides.

Jungkook became speechless when Taehyung opened his mouth saying, "Aaaaaaa~"

Jungkook: What?!

Taehyung pouted saying, "Unromantic fool... I'm asking for your candy floss." Jungkook frowned and asked, "Why? You haven't finished yours yet." Taehyung rolled his eyes seeing that dumb.

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