Glimpse of Beauty

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The show was a great success. Everyone praised The Jeons. Jeons gave a grand party after the show. Mr. Jeon was proud of his son. He introduced his son to his partners and friends. But Jungkook's mind was somewhere else, definitely on an omega. He always side-eyed Taehyung's every move. 

His attention went to Park Hyungsik, "Great work, Jungkook." Jungkook smiled and gave a small hug. He thanked him bowing. Hyungsik said, "Ah! Kook. I should thank you and be sorry again. About that shit." Jungkook replied, "Hyung, It's okay. We can't change the past." "Hm. But without your help & trust, we couldn't figure out that bastard & bitch. You saved my reputation, boy." 

Six days ago~~

When Jungkook's mind calmed down, he realized what he did. Why would Taehyung help Hyungsik?! He was obsessed with Jungkook. Jungkook wanted to fuck his mind. He didn't know what he was trying to prove by blaming Taehyung..., maybe making someone's theory right. 

Jungkook always admired Hyungsik. He knew how professional Hyungsik was. But He couldn't believe that Hyungsik would steal his work. He again checked the footage. Nothing was there. He tried to remember every single scene. And he got. 

All the time the laptop was with him, without one time. He left the laptop with Lia when he was talking with Namjoon & Yoongi about Yoonmin. He immediately called Yoongi & let him know. Yes, their suspect was right. Lee Lia was the girlfriend of Han Joon, hyungsik's right hand. Namjoon approached Hyungsik officially but surprisingly Hyungsik was beyond shocked. He immediately took step and apologized to Namjoon. Moreover, he transferred the deal to Jeon and thanked Jungkook.

At present~

Hyungsik introduced his partner to Jungkook, "Kook, meet my love, my wife, Park Bo-young. And love, this is Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook bowed and Boyoung smiled saying, "I'm impressed. But I have to tell you that you have chosen the right models, especially TaeTae." Jungkook became confused, so he asked, "Do you know Taehyung?" Boyoung sightly laughed and replied,  "Who doesn't? But I especially know him. He is my brother's bf." 

Jungkook's brain became a maze. Hyungsik's laugh broke his maze, "Kook, don't mind her. She meant Bogumie is Taehyung's best friend, nothing else. But Boyoung, your brother is a coward. If he loves him, he should propose to him." 

One more new information about Taehyung. He truly didn't know about Taehyung's life but he said him many ridiculous things. Jungkook couldn't think of anything. Why was he so suffering? Why? A voice cut his train.

"Are you gossiping about me?" Park Bogum asked. Jungkook observed the new man. Soon his eyes set on the beside omega, Kim Taehyung. Bogum was so near to Taehyung like an annoying gum. Jungkook's blood was on fire. Bogum extended his hand to Jungkook after introducing him. Jungkook forced a smile & hand shook.

Taehyung never met Jungkook's eyes. He didn't want to. He was feeling so suffocating just by standing near Jungkook. He never felt that weak. "Bogumie, I'm not feeling well. I should-" Taehyung couldn't finish as Jungkook spoke, "Let me take you to any comfy place." 

Jungkook thought this time Taehyung would react. But Taehyung didn't show a glimpse of expression, rather he asked Bogum to go with him. Now, Jungkook got what is a rejection. Jungkook gritted his teeth to control his anger... or something else!

Hyungsik spoke looking at Taehyung leaving, "Kim Taehuyng. I got to know about his potential on the first day. A fourteen years old boy, a male omega, didn't have fear. He stood up without any help from his father. He changed the portrait of the omegas by becoming the first international model. Even Alphas are harassed in this sector but he never let anyone touch him. I always can find that teen Taehyung in him, so bubbly and warm. So proud of him."

Jungkook heard Hyungsik careful. Every word about Taehyung was so new to him. This was the first time Jungkook got a glimpse of Taehyung's Beauty... truly beautiful.


The next day in Jeon's Mansion

Junghyun was staring at his excited wife. He sighed & asked, "Do you know what are saying? Taehyung is a true-blooded omega. Will Jungkook accept him? Sena, don't be selfish." Sena frowned and said, "Hyun, They like each other." "Did you talk with him?" Junghyun asked. Sena shook her head & said, "For that I have you. Your stupid son will bark at me." Junghyun refused at first but couldn't stay determined 'cause of his wife. He called Jungkook for dinner.

The Jeons sat on the dining table. Mrs. Jeon asked, "Jungkook, do you know after tomorrow is Taehyung's birthday?" Jungkook stopped eating and looked at his mother with excited eyes which wasn't unnoticed by his father. 

Sena continued, "Taehee invited us. There won't be any party, just a simple dinner at Euphoria." Jungkook frowned hearing his mother. Jungkook wanted to ask why. He wanted to celebrate it grandly. But he didn't know why he wanted.

Mr. Jeon asked, "Jungkook, in the upcoming year you will take over the company. But before that, you should choose a partner. It will be good... And we have someone in our eyes." Jungkook didn't say anything. 

Mr. Jeon continued, "What do you think about Taehyung?" Mr. Jeon expected a yell but Jungkook didn't say anything. Jungkook thought for some moment then replied, " Ahm... I am ok. But What does Taehyung think?" Sena went to heaven hearing his son. She immediately hugged him saying, "He is ready. He loves you, Kookie." 

Jungkook knew he was doing wrong. But if it was the last way to talk with Taehyung then he had to do. Mr. Jeon spoke, "It's good, Kook. And thank you for giving you a chance once again." Jungkook smiled and hugged his parents.

In Kim Mansion~

Taehee talked to Seojoon about Taehyung & Jungkook. Seojoon became very pleased as he always wanted that. He asked Taehee if she got Taehyung's concern. Taehee replied positively. The parents started to dream of the union without knowing that everything was scattered. 

Author's note:

How was the chapter? The next chapter will be a little difficult. And a new start for Jungkook. 

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Purple you~ 

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