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Taehyung's sleep was broken by pain in his neck. His whole body was paining like hell. He looked around but could not find the person.

He did his routine and went downwards. He went towards the kitchen and saw Jungkook cooking.

Jungkook flashed his bunny teeth when he noticed Taehyung, "You are up! Let's eat. Then I w-"

"I wanna go home," Taehyung said.

The sudden strong tone made Jungkook speechless. He smiled a little and came forward with two plates of food. He put the plates on the table and stood before Taehyung, "We will but not before eating. You skipped dinner yesterday."

Tae: But-

"No, buts Hyung. Now sit." Jungkook dragged Taehyung and made him sit. Taehyung stared at the Alpha who was behaving so normally like nothing happened yesterday. But something was changed, Taehyung could feel it.

They finished their breakfast in silence and Jungkook told him to get ready for Seoul. Within an hour they both were in the car. No soul tried to talk.

Sometimes silence says more than the sound.

Jungkook could see Taehyung was uncomfortable. Then he noticed Taehyung rubbing his neck where he tried to mark Tae. It was still fresh although he treated it.

On the silent journey to Seoul, Taehyung called someone. "Hyung, are you in the hospital?... Okay, I'm coming within some hours."

Before Taehyung could ask Jungkook to drop him in the hospital, Jungkook asked, "What is the location of the hospital?"

Taehyung was a bit shocked. Jungkook's voice was a bit changed. It held calmness yet was dominant as hell. Taehyung didn't think much and told the location.

Jungkook parked the car and both got out of the car. "Thank you." saying this Taehyung began to walk. He stopped hearing footsteps behind him. He turned and saw Jungkook following him.

"What do you want? Go back home. I'm here for a regular check-up."

JK: Let me come with you.

Taehyung was irritated now. At first, his whole body was aching now this headache also wanna come with him. His breath hitched when Jungkook came close to him.

"I won't give you a headache. I'll be a good boy and sit there."

Taehyung was dumbfounded, Did he just read my mind?! Whatever!.

He began to walk and both got in the lift. He could feel the deep gaze on him of the Alpha. They got out of the lift and knocked on a door. Tae entered followed by Jungkook.

"Hello, hyung!" Taehyung cheerfully greeted Dr. Lee. Dr Lee looked at the arrival and was about to give a big smile but soon it faded.

He was stunned to see the Alpha. He tried to calm himself. Taehyung sat on a seat while Jungkook was standing beside him. Dr Lee couldn’t alter his stare from the standing boy. He looked at Taehyung when Tae began to speak, "Hyung!"

Dr Lee cleared his throat and asked, "What happened?"

Tae: My whole body is aching like hell. I took a painkiller but the pain didn't reduce at all.

Dr Lee: Is he your boyfriend?

Taehyung frowned as Dr Lee just ignored him and asked a nonsense question.

Taehyung heard Yes from Jungkook. Dr Lee grinned like he won something. He told Jungkook to sit. He again asked Jungkook, "Were you together last night?"

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