Jay sick in the Night

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It was night, and Jay started sweating, his stomach was cramping up, and he felt like he was gonna puke at any moment. 

Jay cuddled closer to Erin, where his head landed on her chest. 

Erin woke up too her husband lying down on her chest whimpering. 

"Baby?" Erin whispered. 

Jay just whimpered again, gagged. 

"Oh baby, let's get you to the bathroom." Erin suggested softly, as she looked over and saw her baby girl still fast asleep.

Erin helped Jay up, and walked them both to the bathroom.

Jay sat down quickly round the toilet bowl, and puked. 

Erin sat behind him, and lifted his shirt up, so she could scratch his back. 

Jay forced himself to hold the puke in, he was terrified. 

Erin noticed that her baby was scared to puke, so she gently rubbed his stomach, allowing him to let go. 

"Just let it go baby, let it all go." Erin soothed, as she rubbed his belly again. 

Jay soon allowed himself to let go, and puke. 

"That's it baby, just let it all out." Erin whispered softly, as she rubbed his back

After 20 minutes of puking, Erin washed Jay's teeth, and hands.

"All done baby." Erin smiled softly. 

Jay leant into Erin, and closed his eyes. 

Erin walked them both back to the bed, and Erin lied Jay down. 

Luckily Kimmy didn't wake up to the sounds of her daddy puking. 

Erin got in bed, and brought Jay into her chest, and massaged his head softly. 

"It's okay baby, close your eyes, Let me look after you for a change." Erin whispered. 

Jay soon fell asleep with Erin's fingers on his head. 

"Night My Baby." Erin kissed Jay's head softly. 

Erin soon fell asleep after. 

Hi My Readers!!! 

This wasn't suggested, I thought of it, hope you all like it!!

Comment and Vote, If you'd like!!

~ Stay Safe 😊

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now