Jay's Eating disorder (3)

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TW: Eating disorder!

It was one morning, and Jay, Erin, and Kimmy, were at a restaurant.

"What can I get you guys?" The waiter asked.

The trio looked at the menu, and Erin spoke.

"Can I have the salad, and a water?" Erin asked.

The waiter nodded, and looked at Jay.

"Anything for you, sir?" The waiter smiled.

Jay had tears in his eyes, but quickly nodded.

"I-I'll have the same as my wife." Jay nodded.

The waiter nodded, and looked at Kimmy.

"And, what about you, sweetie?" The waiter asked.

Kimmy picked up her menu, and babbled.

"TOMATO!!" Kimmy shouted.

Erin, Jay, and the waiter burst out laughing, Kimmy was so cute.

"Alright, I think my daughter means, the tomato pasta." Erin laughed.

The waiter giggled, and wrote it down.

"What drink?" The waiter asked.

"Milky." Kimmy chirped.

The waiter nodded, and took the menus.

"Alright, I'll get your drinks." The waiter smiled.

They all nodded, and the waiter walked away.

"I-I don't know, If I can eat it..." Jay looked at Erin.

Erin looked at Jay, and took his hand.

"I know, it's hard, but you can do it!!" Erin smiled.

Jay smiled, and nodded.

After Awhile. The waiter brought the food over, and left.

"Just, take your time..." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and began eating.

"Wanna start eating, sweetheart?" Erin looked to Kimmy.

Kimmy nodded, and began eating her pasta.

Erin smiled, and began eating hers.

After a few hours. Jay excused himself to go to the restroom.

"I'm going to the restroom." Jay stood up.

"Alright, baby..." Erin took a sip of her water.

Kimmy babbled her response, and sat on Erin's lap.

Jay left, and it was Erin and Kimmy at the table.

Jay walked into the vacant cubicle, and locked the door.

Jay turned the taps on, so it blocked out the noises.

Jay crouched down, in front of the toilet seat, and forced himself to puke.

Jay puked into the bowl, and started sobbing.

After a few minutes. Erin was getting worried about her husband, and asked the waiter to watch Kimmy.

"Sorry, I need to check on my husband, are you able to watch my daughter, for 5 minutes?" Erin explained.

The waiter nodded, and sat at the table.

"Alright, mama won't be long, just gonna check on daddy." Erin smiled.

Kimmy nodded, and coloured in her picture bear.

Erin got up, and rushed to the restroom.

As Erin got to the restroom, she heard the taps, and knew what Jay was doing.

"Oh Jay..." Erin muttered.

Erin picked the lock, and opened the door.

Jay was leaning against the wall, with his head in his knees.

"I'm here, baby..." Erin closed the door.

Erin crouched down, and spoke.

"Come on, come lie down..." Erin tapped her lap.

Jay leaned on Erin's lap, and sobbed.

"I-I'm sorry!! I-I couldn't do it!!" Jay sobbed.

Erin shook her head, and gently used her fingers to smooth Jay's hair.

"No need to apologise, what time did you wake up?" Erin took note of Jay's small bags.

Jay sniffled, and spoke.

"2AM..." Jay sniffled.

Erin was filled with sadness, she had no idea it was that early.

"Oh Baby, that's very, very early, we need to speak with Dr Charles again...." Erin explained.

Jay sighed, and nodded.

"Alright, I'll call Hank, and see if he can take Kimmy for the night." Erin suggested.

"O-Okay..." Jay took a breath.

Erin smiled, and whispered.

"Let's get you home." Erin repeated the words, which Jay said to her, when they were at the bar.

Jay sniffled again, and stood up.

"Here, lean on me." Erin offered.

Jay leant on Erin's shoulder, and walked out with her.

After a few hours. Erin was driving Kimmy to Hank's, while Jay slept.

"Alright, be good for Grandpa Hank." Erin parked the car.

"I will mama!" Kimmy unbuckled her belt.

Erin made sure Jay was okay, and slowly got out.

Erin shut the door, and walked up to Hank's door.

Erin held Kimmy in her arms, and waited.

After a second. Hank opened the door, and smiled.

"Hi You two!" Hank smiled.

Kimmy giggled, and babbled.

"You alright, kid?" Hank looked to Erin.

Erin looked at Hank, then Kimmy.

"Hey, Kimmy? Auntie Trudy needs help making the beds, wanna help?" Hank asked.

Kimmy nodded, and ran inside.

"So, what's going on?" Hank stepped out.

Erin sighed, and looked up.

"I-It's Jay.." Erin mumbled.

"What about him?" Hank crossed his arms.

"W-Well, he's not coping, we went to a restaurant, and Jay forced himself to puke, it was heart breaking, Hank.." Erin teared up.

"Oh kiddo!" Hank hugged Erin.

"I-I just don't know what to do anymore!!" Erin cried.

Hank nodded, and spoke.

"Well, I'll make an appointment with Daniel, Jay can't keep living like this, he needs support, and guidance..." Hank explained.

Erin nodded, and sniffled.

"Alright, I better go.." Erin smiled.

Hank nodded, and spoke softly.

"Alright, don't worry about Kimmy, we've got her." Hank reassured.

Erin smiled, and thanked Hank.

Hank said goodnight, and shut the door.

Erin went back to the car, and got in.

"E-Erin..?" Jay sleepily mumbled.

"Sssh, It's alright, go back to sleep, baby." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and fell back into his slumber.

Erin put the gear in drive, and drove off home.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

Comment, vote!!

~ Stay Safe 😊

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