Jay shot

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The whole unit were at a crime scene, and Jay saw their offender running off on foot, so he obviously chased him.

"CHICAGO PD, STOP!!" Jay yelled, as he ran after the offender.

"JAY!!" Erin screamed.

The offender drew his gun, and shot Jay in the stomach, Jay bashed onto some bushes, and fell down.

"Nice meeting you detective." The offender smirked, and ran off.

Jay gasped for breath, and tried reaching for his radio, which was on the floor.

Jay couldn't reach his radio, so he just stopped, and waited for someone to find him.

Erin was worried, Jay hadn't checked in for awhile, so she decided to go look for him.

"To hell with this, I'm going to look for Jay." Erin announced, as she walked off.

"Erin." Voight replied.

"Kiss My Ass." Erin called back.

Erin drew her gun, and saw her partner on the floor, blood dripping from his stomach.

"Oh my god, Jay!!" Erin whispered.

Erin ran over to him, and crouched down to put pressure on the wound.

"Jay, wake up for me please." Erin cried.

Jay stirred, then opened his eyes slowly.

"I-It h-hurts." Jay groaned.

"I-I know baby, I know, just stay with me okay." Erin begged, as she reached for her radio.

"10-1, 10-1, Officer down, I repeat my partner is down, he has a gunshot to his abdomen, I need an Ambo to the back alley of Ashland, I need that Ambo now." Erin yelled.

"Copy 50-21, Ambo is 5 minutes out." Dispatch replied.

Erin, were on our way." Voight's voice came through the radio.

Erin begged Jay to say with her, and he tried so hard.

"Mmm, sleepy." Jay mumbled.

"No, no you stay awake for me, Kimmy needs her daddy, and I need you baby." Erin had tears rolling down her face.

"I- l-love y-you." Jay whispered, and passed out.

"NO, JAY, WAKE UP PLEASE!!" Erin sobbed, as she pressed down on his stomach.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY AMBO!!" Erin screamed in her radio.

"1 minute out." Dispatch replied.

The unit arrived, and Kim ran straight up to Erin.

"OH.MY.GOD, GUYS!!" Kim yelled.

They all walked over, and had tears in their eyes, at their best friend passed out, and Erin crumbling into pieces.

The Ambo finally arrived, and took Jay to hospital straightaway.

"Who's riding with us?" Brett asked.

"Erin go, we'll meet you." Hank ordered.

Erin nodded, and hopped in.

"Step on it Foster." Brett ordered.

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now