Kimmy arrives home

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It was one night, and Erin and Jay were getting the best news ever. 

Erin was sleeping cuddled into Jay until Erin's phone rang. 

"Ugh, If it's Adam I'm gonna kill him." Erin groaned, as she picked up her phone. 

"Haha, baby It might not be." Jay yawned. 

Erin laughed, and answered the phone. 

"Halstead." Erin replied. 

"Yes, He's my husband." Erin clarified. 

"WHAT!!" Erin screamed, as she pinched Jay's shoulder. 

Jay had no idea what's happening, all he knows Is that it's either good or bad.

"Baby, what's going on." Jay whispered. 

Erin put her finger to his lips to be quiet. 

"oh my god, okay, thanks." Erin couldn't contain the smile. 

Erin said her goodbye, and looked at Jay. 

"Permission to speak?" Jay asked. 

"Jay, we getting our baby girl back." Erin giggled. 

"What, when." Jay asked shocked. 

"Today, at 12:00AM" Erin replied. 

Jay was so happy, he had tears rolling down his face, They were finally getting their daughter, they were getting their baby girl. 

"OH.MY.GOD!!" Jay screamed. 

"I know right, Jay, we getting our baby girl." Erin whispered.

"It's so Amazing, I can't wait too see our little girl. Jay sniffled. 

Erin, and Jay sent a message to the team, but they kept them in suspense till tomorrow. 

"Morning guys, we got some big, big news!!"💋  Erin Halstead (5:02)

"What are you talking about Erin?" 💕 Kim Burgess  (5:03)

"Yeah, why are you guys up, Erin are you feeling okay, you normally threaten me if I wake you up." 😕 Adam Ruzek (5:05)

"Guys, trying to sleep here." Kevin Atwater😊  (5:06)

"You have to wait and see until we tell you tomorrow."😏  Jay Halstead (5:06)

"Guys, tell us what?" Kim burgess 💕  (5:07)

"Yeah, come on guys." Adam Ruzek.😕  (5:07)

"Nope, not telling, wait until tomorrow." 💋 Erin Halstead. (5:09)

Erin Lindsay has left the group chat.

Jay Halstead has Left the group chat.

Adam Ruzek has left the group chat.

Kim Burgess has left the group chat. 

Kevin Atwater has left the group chat. 

Do you think they hate us, for you know, not telling them." Erin asked.

"Nah, actually yep." Jay nodded his head. 

Erin and Jay just laughed, and settled back into bed, glad that their daughter is finally going to be home. 

It was early morning, and Jay and Erin were at bullpen with the rest of the team. 

"So, what's so important, that you didn't wanna tell us last night"? Adam asked. 

Erin and Jay looked at each other, and smiled. 

"Well, we are umm, getting Kimmy back." Jay explained. 

Everyone's mouths hung open, and they all had tears in their eyes. 

"OH. MY. GOD!!" Antonio replied. 

"EEEEEEK, YOUR GETTING KIMMY BACK!!" Kim screamed, as she came rushing over, and hugging them. 

They all hugged Erin, and Jay in happiness. 

"Yep, she's coming to the district." Erin explained. 

"I still can't believe it!!" Adam exclaimed. 

It finally got to 12:00, and they were all waiting for Kimmy. 

Erin got a text from Sandra, telling her their on their way the district. 

"Okay, Sandra is on her way." Erin announced. 

They all nodded, and smiled. 

Kimmy was in the car playing with her teddy, which the day care centre gave her. 

"You ready to see your mama and daddy sweetie." Sandra asked Kimmy, who nodded eagerly. 

"MAMA AND DADA, MAMA DADA!! Kimmy screamed in excitement. 

Sandra laughed, and parked outside the district. 

"Let's see your parents shall we." Sandra smiled, as she unbuckled Kimmy, and took her in her arms. 

Sandra shut the car door, and walked up the stone steps. 

Platt was doing her normal paperwork, until she looked up, and saw her niece with Sandra. 

"OH.MY.GOD!!" Trudy yelled. 

"Auntie twudy!!" Kimmy babbled. 

"Oh my gorgeous girl." Platt whispered, as she picked her up. 

"Is Mrs Erin Halstead, and Mr Jay Halstead here?" Sandra asked. 

"Yes, follow me, and I'll take you upstairs. Platt replied. 

"Sweetie, wanna walk with me?" Sandra asked, as she looked at Kimmy. 

"Nwo, Auntie twudy." Kimmy mumbled, as she clung on to Platt's top. 

"it's okay baby girl, we'll see your Mama, and Dada now." Trudy smiled. 

"Mama, Dada!! Kimmy babbled. 

Trudy walked upstairs, and saw Jay, and Erin talking to Kim. 

"Ahem, a special little girl, wants to see her parents." Trudy announced. 

They all looked towards Platt, and that's when everyone had big smiles. 

"OH. MY. GOD!!" Jay screamed. 

"Baby girl." Erin gasped. 

"MAMA, DADA!! Kimmy yelled. 

Erin, and Jay ran up to Trudy, and Erin gathered Kimmy in her arms. 

"Oh my sweet, sweet baby." Erin whispered. 

The team had tears flowing down their face, they gave Erin and Jay a bit of space, so they could see their baby girl again. 

"Hi My Beautiful baby girl." Jay whispered as well. 

"DADA!!" Kimmy used all her tiny body strength to touch Jay's nose. 

"I've missed you so much sweetie." Erin replied, as she kissed Kimmy's head. 

"Mwe two Mama, and Dada." Kimmy softly whispered, as she leant her head on Erin's shoulder. 

Sandra could see how Kimmy was very attached to her parents, and she was so glad that Kimmy was now back with her mommy, and Daddy.

They all said their Hello's and shared their massive tight bear hugs. 

Erin, Jay, and Kimmy all drove back home, as Voight said they could have the rest of the week off.

They all arrived back home, and went to bed, so glad that Kimmy was with them. 

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you all enjoyed this part, this is the Last chapter of dcfs for Kimmy!!

Comment and Vote, If you'd like!!

 ~ Stay Safe 😊

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now